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Erin from Australia

Posted: Mon Oct 11, 2004 1:16 am
by ezby
Hi guys!

I've actually been lurking this forum for a while and thought it was about time I signed up...

I'm 21 from Australia and I've had my braces on for 6 weeks, I actually missed my first adjustment today! whoops! I was looking up my diary to see what time my appoinment was tomorrow but it was actually today! If only I had checked my diary an hour earlier... oh well, I rang up and they were really nice about it when I explained the situation and I've made an appoinment for tomorrow.

I'm looking forward to talking to you all!


Posted: Mon Oct 11, 2004 2:18 pm
by Dodger(UK)
Hi ezby, welcome too the forum.

Australia is definately a place I've always wanted to go, but I'm not a keen flyer, and the thought of being on a plane for all them hours doesn't make me estatic lol

Nice to know they could fit you in for the adjustment at such short notice for tomorrow. :wink: :D

Posted: Mon Oct 11, 2004 6:56 pm
by chrisk
Hi ezby

Good luck with your adjustment and welcome to the forum. It's good to see another Australian here, as we seem few and far between.

What state of Australia are you in? It seems like adults with braces are not very common in Australia. I have only had contact with about 3 adults with braces in the last year or so.


Posted: Mon Oct 11, 2004 10:51 pm
by ezby
Thanks for the welcome!

Dodger, you'll have to make sure you visit Australia one day... take in some of our nice sunshine!! I'm sure it's worth the plane trip. I'm hoping to make it over to the UK some time in the next couple of years, but first I need to learn how to save money...

Chrisk, I agree... there doesn't seem to be many Aussies with braces around at all!! I feel so old in the orthodontist's waiting room with all the 13 year-olds... Oh well, it gives me a chance to read some teen magazines and who knows... maybe we'll set a trend! I'm in NSW... soon to be moving to ACT but I have decided to stick with my orthodontist after the move. It's only a 3 and a 1/2 hour drive back here and it will be good to catch up with all my friends at home :)

Posted: Thu Dec 09, 2004 3:12 am
by Veruka_Salt
There are a few of us around. ;)

I went to a friend's birthday party a couple of months ago and there were 3 adults there with braces. I know one of the others, but the third didn't know either of us and he was absolutely stoked to see similar smiles!