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Getting Braced Jan. 18

Posted: Mon Dec 26, 2005 5:28 pm
by jrbecca
Hello, all! I'm a 23-year old public relations specialist in Portland, Ore.

After being told as a young girl that oral surgery was my only option to having straight teeth, I gave up on ever having a healthy, beautiful smile.

Last week, I visited an orthodontist's office for a free consultation, to see how far technology had come in the last 11 years. I was ecstatic to learn that my orthodontist can expand my upper jaw without surgery. Further, I learned that my treatment will not exceed two years (I was quoted four 11 years ago). So, after determining how I could foot the bill, I've decided to get braces (and an expander).

I will get two spacers on Jan. 5. On Jan. 12, I'll have molds made and records taken. Then, on Jan. 18, I'll get my braces on.

I am, however, not without my concerns. For example, I have a rather huge meeting two hours after my braces go on. It's a meeting I cannot miss and it's a meeting during which I'll be expected to talk quite a bit. I wouldn't reschedule my orthodontic appointment for anything. But, I wasn't expecting to have to make my grand metal mouth debut so soon after getting braced.

Also, I'm getting married in April 2007. While my fiance is extremely supportive of my getting braces, I'm still concerned about having braces on the big day.

I'm so happy to have found this Web site. I look forward to visiting frequently and learning as much as possible. It's nice to know that I'm not alone!

Posted: Mon Dec 26, 2005 6:53 pm
by johnnys_angel
Welcome to the board, jrbecca :D Congrats on finally taking the plunge after eleven years! wow!
I would be more worried about the expanders affecting your speech rather than your braces. Just talk a lot at first to get used to the feeling of them.
Just remember: SMILE LOUD AND PROUD!! You want these braces for YOU, and it shouldn't matter what anybody else thinks. Good luck (and congrats on the wedding)!

Posted: Thu Dec 29, 2005 8:23 pm
by nimo
Yay, someone else who's having a big wedding with braces on!!! Good luck with your meeting!

Re: Getting Braced Jan. 18

Posted: Tue Jan 17, 2006 4:18 am
by MsTiaLia
jrbecca wrote:Hello, all! I'm a 23-year old public relations specialist in Portland, Ore.

I will get two spacers on Jan. 5. On Jan. 12, I'll have molds made and records taken. Then, on Jan. 18, I'll get my braces on.

I'm so happy to have found this Web site. I look forward to visiting frequently and learning as much as possible. It's nice to know that I'm not alone!

Hi Jrbecca,

I'm getting braced on the 18th (tomorrow) also!!! I am 25 and I am a social worker. I too have to go to work right after my appointment! I hope there is no pain...I am a big baby and I would hate to have to go home :oops: Good luck with your big day! I'd love to hear how it goes tomorrow (and I'll do the same)!!!


Posted: Tue Jan 17, 2006 11:23 pm
by Way Too Old For This
Jrbecca, good luck tomorrow. You might think of this way.....having all those people see your new braces in one big meeting will keep you from having to reveal them separately over the next few days. Just git-r-done all at once!

The lip balm advice is the best! Have a bottle of water available too. Dry mouth makes talking very difficult. I put vaseline on my lips at night. Works great.