Bluemoonjo .... Hope to get braces soon

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Bluemoonjo .... Hope to get braces soon

#1 Post by Bluemoonjo »

I'm 27, just now have got to where we can afford to have the dental work done.

I'm hoping to get braces within the next few months. Right now I need 4 fillings, 2 impacted wisdom teeth taken out, and one crown. I go 2/6 to get 3 teeth filled. And I'm hoping to get the rest done when income tax refund comes back (should be close to that date to). Then set up appt to get the braces going.

I am wondering how their pay scale works. I hate to have the work done there and need to go to someone else because I can't afford theirs. But I guess I'll have to wait. LOL
I did call around to several places and had one visit. Sounds like they all want about the same. Only some do their own payment plan (I need) and some want outside credit.

The crown they want to do is $700. I'm going to call in the morning to see if they will let me get a less expensive one. I'm thinking my teeth will change after braces so I'll need a new one later. So I'd rather get something that will "just work" for now, and the "good" one later.
Anyone know how much different crowns cost?

I'd been lurking for awhile and wanted to reply to someones post. So decided I should post some kind of intro.


To add: Can someone tell me a good free site where I can start posting pictures to keep track of them moving :)

Posts: 39
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Location: Missouri, USA

#2 Post by Bluemoonjo »

Hi and Thanks Karen

Love your purple ligs (think thats what I remember them being called :) )

I really love purple to and that is one thing I'm looking forward to. I hope he changes mine more often LOL I wanna play with the different colors. I think the kids will get a kick out of it to.

Think I'll try the blog thing, then I can write and do pictures.

I'm hoping to make it a short journey. If they will do a cheaper crown, the extra can go towards the down payment on the braces :) I want them now LOL But we have three kids and a budget. So I'm hoping for within the next three months.

LOL I keep thinking when I getting the work done my mouth will feel better (some pain now). But then I keep reading how the braces hurt LOL But at least I'll know my teeth will be straight when all is done.

Posts: 39
Joined: Sat Jan 07, 2006 8:10 pm
Location: Missouri, USA

#3 Post by Bluemoonjo »

Had my march 6th appt :) (1 wisdom extracrtion, temp crown and 3 fillings)

One more "fix everything first" appts on April 18th. I'll have 1 impacted wisdom tooth extracted, perm crown put on and 1 filling. Then I'll get to start on the braces at the next appt. :)

Its a long wait because they keep setting the appts up a month apart :( But I had to have some extra work (came out of my brace funds LOL) so it will be long enough to save up the extra for the brace downpayment... I hope.

I keep lurking so thought I'd update. :)
Mama Jo


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