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Quick hello from newbie

Posted: Mon Jan 09, 2006 7:33 am
by kirst1583
Hi everyone,
Just a quick note to introduce myself.
I've been lurking round this board for a mth or so now and figured it was time to register and say hello!
I'm 22 and from Sydney, Australia.
I've had braces on for 2 and 1/2 yrs now and am "supposed" to get them off this coming July, although that was meant to happen last July so i'm not holding my breath.
Basically just wanted to write and say what a great little community there is on this website and that i'm really looking forward to being a part of it.
Kirst :wink:

Posted: Mon Jan 09, 2006 8:26 pm
by kirst1583
Thanks for the reply Karen.
I'm trying to be patient, although I think as time goes on i'm becoming less patient and real eager to be done!!!
I got braces mainly because I had a large overbite... i don't know all the technical terms but my mouth looked kinda narrow at the top and my front teeth were a bit bucky.
My bite is now much better - I had 4 teeth extracted though, 2 top and 2 bottom and the gaps are almost closed. I've had power chains for as long as I can remember (sometimes doubled up) and elastics in 2 different configurations (one for my bite and the other which i'm wearing now to help close the gaps)
I had another adjustment today and was told that in 6 wks (at my next appointment) they should be fully closed and then i'll be entering the final phase!!!! Not sure exactly how long that phase will last, but it sounds promising.
I really love this site - it's great to be able to talk to ppl who understand and care. :wink: