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what do you prefer ceramic or metal

Posted: Fri Jan 20, 2006 9:43 am
by pinkdiamond
Hi bracket clubbers,
I have ceramic on the top but they are so bulky and sharp . I will be getting braces on my bottom teeth next week and I'm not sure if I should get metal on the bottom because they are smaller. I planned on getting the clear but am rethinking it. Any suggestions?
Thanks Pinkdiamond

Posted: Fri Jan 20, 2006 10:31 am
by Kevin
Might want to do a search and find the dozens of other topics with the exact same question. ;) One just finished up last week, if I'm not mistaken...

But since I'm here, I got all metal and never regretted it. If I had to do it again, I'd get metal again.


Posted: Sat Jan 21, 2006 9:50 am
by StacyJo
I asked the same question a few weeks ago. Opinions vary.
I was quoted a price based on ceramic but when it came time for me to have the braces put on (which was just yesterday) I chose all metal.
Several reason why......I want colored ligs and yes you can still get colored logs with ceramic but I like colors with metal brackets better than with cermaic. Metal was $300 difference in treatment time. Per my ortho, the metal is smaller and more comfortable.
I think you'll be happy with whatever you decide because the end result will be the same.......a beautiful smile !!

Posted: Sun Jan 29, 2006 3:02 am
by butterfly
Umm yeah good question.

In the beginning I wanted metal all over but self ligating was not an option. So I took ceramics. I am soooo happy with them. People always say how subtle they are. I didn't have colors (yet) because I want my arch to be straight before getting them. I think ceramics with colors look beautiful, especially purple and soft pink shades.

At my last appointment I got one metal bracket on a double parked lateral, as seen on this pic:


I saw how tiny the metal bracket is when compared to the ceramics! (It is a full fledged bracket - not a "button"). But as soon as this tooth moved out a bit and became more visible I noticed that the color of the metal bracket is rather black than silver! I think it is really ugly. I am happy not to have these all over my mouth. I will get ceramics on the bottom as well unless there is a medical reason not to go for them. The size of the ceramics doesn't bother me. I didn't experience anything else though.

Posted: Mon Jan 30, 2006 6:19 pm
by pinkdiamond
Thanks Butterfly,
I got ceramics on the top and I was thinking because the ceramics are so big I would maybe get the metal . I go in to see my ortho tommorow for the bottom and after hearing your opinion I will get the ceramics on the bottom too. Thanks for your help I needed a second opinion