first adjustment

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first adjustment

#1 Post by dena »

hi all:

my attempt to post pics here hasn't worked so well--the photo host i use for blogger for some reason isn't linking so well. but i have a blog, and i'd like to invite anyone interested to click and check it out. i just had my first adjustment, and after 5 weeks with braces, there are some (i think) pretty shocking results. frankly, had my teeth looked before like they do at this moment, i would have never gotten braces. i'm still happy to see this trhough, but the changes that have occurred already are so incredible...anyway, for anyone nervous about how long it takes to see progress, i'm happy to share. good luck to all.

four bicuspids removed 1/3/06
clear uppers and metal lowers placed 1/5/06
timeframe for braces: 24-30 months

Posts: 5
Joined: Sat Dec 03, 2005 10:12 am
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hello all

#2 Post by burncycl »

I'm Christopher, 29 got my upper medal braces w/ a coil spring to make space for one needing to be pulled up from behind my front teeth. Uppers installed on Dec. 21, and was told i would be on a program for about 18-20 months cost was around $4300 without extraction (trial). I have both lower bicuspids that are crowded. Hopefully my othro can work his magic and i can keep all my teeth.

My ortho told me I would get my lower metals put on in June '06. I enjoyed reading over all the helpful advice everyone had on here. Helped me to understand the procedure. I have had to used some of the ideas like salt water. I had to do it only one day so far, and that was the second day I was in braces. I had a date and of course I talked a lot and cut up the inside of my mouth. Salt water did the the trick. I havent really had any major pains in my mouth just when I drink tea. My both cheeks catch the back brackets while talking, but I figured that is normal so I've never asked about it. Only happens once/twice every couple of weeks. I did purchase several dental kits, they rock. I of course have an electric sonicare it is very nice. I am still getting used to it.

I had my first adjustment yesterday, and it was like 10-15 minutes tops the coil spring was reactived and my ortho told me that I am ahead of schedule and I can get my lower metal braces on in my April appointment. I'm kind of dredding that. I welcome the change *cough* not *cough*! I felt like a kid again, my ortho's dental assist. told me I had execellent brushing habits; I got a shirt. WOOHOO!!!! :shock: Anyhow, I had to schedule the lowers appointed getting them on April 5. Blah :P , anyhow, thats my story in a nut shell.
Metal Upper Braces put on 12/22/2005, Metal Lower Braces put on April 5, 2006. Spacer on in may, banned put on in June.

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