extractions on 2 days braces in 4 weeks...scared!

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extractions on 2 days braces in 4 weeks...scared!

#1 Post by blueberry »

hi everyone,
my name is abi, im 16 and im soon to be getting my metal! heres a little bit about me.. (this turned out to be a long story :) )

i live in the uk, i have a beautiful one year old daughter, Grace Anice Rose, and i have been concerned about my teeth since i started Secondary school( i was 11). My dentist has warned my dad when i was alot younger my teeth would be crowded unless he removed the baby teeth then, i think i was 6 or 7. He gave me the choice! Of course being so shy and the absolute wuss i am i said "no..its ok.." Now i am annoyed that the decision was left up to me, now i have to go through all of this!

Anyway, as others in my class began to get braces i started analysing my own teeth which had never bothered me before, and actually looking at old pictures i can see they are much straighter now than they were then, but im still not happy and they still arent straight.

In my mind they just needed pulling back as only the two front top and four front bottom teeth are crowded, but it wasnt that simple, turns out i have an underbite! I dont need surgery though and he can hopefully correct my bite. its not so noticable because of the way they are positioned (ill try and get some pics up) but i came away totally self concious about my chin! there are alot of things i dont like about myslf and i got stuck in a rut, the ortho said by straightening my teeth my chin could look more pronounced..oh dear.. i had changed my mind, but after much deliberation i thought " im lucky to get the chance to improve myself for free, as i will never have enough money to pay for treatment myself (im getting it on the NHS) and im really unhappy with them i may aswell just do it"

so.. on wednesday i get 4 teeth extracted :cry: not looking forward to that AT all, i getting the second set of upper premolars removed (the second tooth after the canines) and the first set of premolars( or bicuspids?) from the bottom. At first i was worried how id look with the gaps as my "bracing" appointment is in a months time, but ive convinced myself it will be ok. im also a bit uneasy about the fact four perfectly healthy adult teeth are being removed...thats life.
Looking at this website has helped me alot, especially the brace diarys as it give me hope and i know the end result of beautiful teeth is possible! You all seem like such lovely people and im glad you all share your stories, for all the scaredy cats like me!

Anyway thanks for reading i know its a bit long!
now ill see if i can get up some pics coz i know how much i like to see the pics incase you just scrolled past the boring bit lol.


Me and Grace last year
i cant find the usb for the camera so illget the teeth pics up as soon as i can!

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