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and the journey Begins!

Posted: Thu Mar 09, 2006 12:10 am
by *Halo*
So hi i'm *halo* i'm a 29 year old From sacramento and Wednesday the 15th is my big day,

so i have enjoyed reading everyones post, in many ways it help me get ready for what will be another big change in my life!

i do have a couple of questions for ya! i read that getting the braces on are not to bad but a few days after i think it all depends on the person as far as pain!

my frist question is How awful is it to talk and sing with Braces in your mouth??? i own a karaoke buisness and i sing Alot, and i'm getting My braces wednesday and i have to go to work Friday night?? Am i Crazy for even trying to sing? and the drool is it really that bad? and the new word i learned gleeking? how bad is that realy?

Also i hear ya get sores in your mouth? anyone have a Fav stuff to use to help deal with those? and help them heal quicker?

the bumbers or mouth guards are those any good anyone use them?

i think that's all that's on my mind right now thank you for taking the time to read and answer,

also did anyone kinda have that weird feeling in your tummy, kinda and empty feeling? knowing that the days are gonan go by quicker then you think they will??