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Surgery tommorrow, Braces Monday

Posted: Thu Mar 09, 2006 11:09 am
by x3trinity
Hello everyone! This is my first post. I have really enjoyed looking at everyone's pictures of their progress. I love the fact that everyone is soooo encouraging to one another, no matter how your teeth looked before, and it is very hard to show how your teeth looked before the braces.

My problem is that I have a severely bad overbite. My two front teeth stick out a lot. I have always wanted braces but my family could not afford them, therefore I suffered name calling during high school. So I learned to hide my smile by covering my mouth or just giving a small grin. But after high school when I went to college, people hardly noticed my smile, (maybe b/c college has more mature people there), SoI started smiling again. You really cannot tell that my teeth are "bucked" unless you are really looking in my mouth. Even when I take pictures they are not noticeable. I think it is because I have learned how to move my jaw and make my teeth touch to make my smile look sort of even.

I was told about 2 years ago that I need to have jaw surgery before I could get braces and it was going to cost $4400 UP FRONT out of my pocket (he said insurance would pay me back LATER) and this cost is not including the cost I would have to pay for the anesthetist, or the braces. So at this point I was like forget it. But this past September I got married to a wonderful man who has had braces before (along with his brother and his sister, so he completely understands my feelings) who told me that we were going to get it done no matter how much it cost. AND our financial situation is very good now. So I went back to the ortho and he told me that instead of the jaw surgery I could have 4 teeth extrated and two "anchor screws" put in the bone of the mouth. These screws would achieve almost the same result of jaw surgery.

So tomorrow is the big day for the surgery. He put separators Monday, I
will be so glad when I get them out, they feel like I have a piece of meat
between my teeth. Then next Monday is my BIG DAY TO FINALLY GET BRACES!!!! I am really excited the closer the day gets, the less sleep I get :D

I am sorry for making this out to be a book, but I just wanted to tell my story in hope that it might help someone else in a similiar situation.

Posted: Fri Mar 10, 2006 10:24 am
by Flora2006
Welcome to the board!!

How did your surgery go? I hope everything is fine and you're not in too much pain!!

Good luck on getting your braces on monday.

Let us know how it all goes.

Braced this morning

Posted: Mon Mar 13, 2006 11:44 am
by x3trinity
Well my surgery went fine Friday. I don't remember ANYTHING, I remember telling the oral surgeon that I was going to be glad to get my spacers out and the next thing I know I was in the recovery room with my husband taking pictures of me with my cell phone!

I haven't been in too much pain, but the doc gave me great drugs to take so I am happy. You can see the screws sticking out of my gums beside the empty spot where my tooth used to be. They feel funny, like I have something poking me in the cheek, but once again it doesn' hurt much.

The braces were a different story, this morning it took them about 3 1/2 hours to finally finish putting them on. My teeth are so tight they could not get the metal spacer on, but anyway I have clear on top and metal at bottom. I will try to put a couple of pictures on here to show you guys my new brace mouth.

Can anyone tell me how to put pictures from my cell phone on here?? Sorry, it may be a dumb question but I have never done this before....SO BE NICE AND DON'T LAUGH AT ME!! :oops:

Posted: Mon Mar 13, 2006 12:25 pm
by Flora2006
I am so happy the surgery went well for you. I don't think I would ever be able to go through surgery...sooo scary.

I can't help you with how to post your pictures through your cell phone, sorry.

Keep us posted with how everything goes!

Posted: Mon Mar 13, 2006 4:42 pm
by blueberry
hi there welcome! im not quite sure wether you got the full on surgery or the extractions and screws? Also, about the pictures, this isnt definate, but usualy with camera phones you can make an online account with your service provider and then send your pics to your online account , or through an email if you have an internet enabled phone? im not sure just something you might want to look into! im all for photos! Good luck!! and keep us updated! ahh just re-read the posts you got the screws!
love blueberry xxx

Posted: Tue Mar 14, 2006 11:36 am
by x3trinity