Another Missing Lateral (pics)

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Another Missing Lateral (pics)

#1 Post by eoberhauser »

I've read some other posts regarding missing laterals, but it seems everyone is different..I should be getting braces soon and I would like to explore my options for my missing lateral which has caused my midline to be way off. Are implants the best option? I have some irrational fear of "surgery" but I don't want to do something half-way b/c of my fears. It seems that either implants or a bonded bridge? are the options that have been set forth. This is so foreign to me. Any advice?



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#2 Post by altinure »

i also have a missing lateral, but you got lucky. you didn't have a gap in your two front teeth from it. i'm getting an implant put in when i'm done wearing my retainer after two years. my orthodontist made it sound like it's not a big deal, it just costs $5000, yay.

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#3 Post by eoberhauser »

Hey Lucy,

It is missing - It doesn't appear in x-rays, a hereditary thing so I'm told. I actually just found out that one of my wisdom teeth is the same way. That doesn't make me feel any better! I'm preparing myself for surgery. (implant) I think that may be the best route. I'm really going to have to suck it up, because the thought of surgery puts all kinds of scary imagery in my head. Knowing that a lot of you here have gone through similar things really makes me feel better about it.


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#4 Post by altinure »

eoberhauser wrote:Hey Lucy,

It is missing - It doesn't appear in x-rays, a hereditary thing so I'm told. I actually just found out that one of my wisdom teeth is the same way. That doesn't make me feel any better! I'm preparing myself for surgery. (implant) I think that may be the best route. I'm really going to have to s*ck it up, because the thought of surgery puts all kinds of scary imagery in my head. Knowing that a lot of you here have gone through similar things really makes me feel better about it.

yes, i think we're imbred, and that's why we randomly don't grow adult teeth.

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#5 Post by rainbow13 »

I have the same missing lateral. And your right it's genetics! Of course my other teeth never shifted all the way over and closed the spaces. So I had a few which was why I had my braces put on. The ortho moved everything back into correct place to make room for a implant. This seemed like the best option to keep my bite normal. A bridge is more of a temporary solution to a space like this and would damage the teeth around it. So implant I decided. I recently had the surgery and it was not bad at all! Honestly I was prepared for much worse. I had to have a ridge expansion(this expands the bone) also because there was not enough bone in that area to support the implant w/ never having a root or adult tooth in that space it just never generated enough bone. This ridge expansion was done in place of a bone graft which from the surgeon sounds more painful and not always as successful. So we'll see from here. I have my wires back on now (had them off from surgery) and I am hoping it all heals well. I am worried about this because there is always a risk of failure w/ implants but I am hoping w/ still having the braces on it doesn't increase that risk :?

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#6 Post by eoberhauser »

Thanks for that! I'm really trying to gear myself up for the whole surgery thing. I'm certain that I am making a much bigger deal out of it than it is. I had my molds and x-rays done a week ago and that was literally a breeze. I have my final consult on Monday and I need to make a decision. Did your insurance cover your implant/surgery? I'm actually getting ready to call them right now to find out. Here's hoping!


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#7 Post by rainbow13 »

unfortunately my dental insurance did not pay anything for the implant surgery. they consider it cosmetic!!! all though i have heard occasionally some places will so i would definetley check on it. they also did not cover the anesthia during the procedure because it was associated w/ that surgery. good news is they will pay some for the crown that will be put in place so I guess that is better than nothing. I do consider myself to be a baby about a lot of stuff and maybe i have a high pain tolerance but I prepared myself for the pain to be so much worse with the surgery and it was not terrible at all. Plus they give you meds to take intially which does help.

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#8 Post by eoberhauser »

Well, I just looked into my insurance and they definitely exclude any kind of implant surgery. I guess I just wasn't expecting that. I feel like I'm back at square one! I have my final consultation with the ortho on Nov 21st so I need to make some serious decisions. If anyone is comfortable discussing this, how much did you pay for your implant/surgery? I have seen figures of everything from 1200-3000 and 11000-30000. That's quite a range! If the thing is 3000, I can handle that. If its 12000 I can not. I guess I have to really hunker down with the ortho and make a good decision. Also, has anyone gone the route of the bonded bridge? How did that work out for you? Are you happy with the way it looks? How much did that cost?


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#9 Post by altinure »

my braces cost me $5000, and my implant will be $5000. insurance covers none of it. i'm not getting my implant in during braces though, which i guess i'm kind of glad about. with me, i'm in braces for two years to create the gap. i then wear a retainer for two years with a bonded fake tooth attached to the retainer (so that my smile looks normal), and at that point, i can wear my retainer as long as i want, or choose to get the implant surgery right then. it's a lot nicer having the costs spread out over multiple years, and having the option of just wearing my retainer instead of getting the implant surgery right away if funds aren't available then is nice. if i remember off the top of my head, i could have gotten a denture-type tooth (no clue what this involves) for $1000 or the bonded bridge for $2000, but my orthodontist said he highly recommends implant.

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#10 Post by eoberhauser »

Thanks altinure, that's what I'm looking for. It sounds like you and I are on the same route. It seems like the most likely option. At least I can save up for the next two years to pay for my implant! I'm so excited about this whole thing, but sometimes you just wish you'd never opened up this can of worms! I will be very happy to enjoy my smile for the first time in my life though.


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#11 Post by jimmy18 »

Wouldn't the "denture type" tooth be the same as the ones people have to wear when they have no teeth. I know my grandmother has dentures that are for all of her upper arch.

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#12 Post by altinure »


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#13 Post by rainbow13 »

My implant surgery cost 2,400 (that was the surgery/anesthia and all follow up appts) BUT that doesn't count the actual crown that will be put on at the end which the surgeon won't do but my dentist will. that will be another 1,300. All in all about 3,700. Luckily my braces were 3,000 (I only needed top) and my dental insurance did pay half. That is really what helped me make the decision. I figured I better take the leap if my insurance was going to help pay for it. Once you get started though there is no turning back. If you go through all the money to get the braces and open that space sooner or later you will need a more permanent fix to the space. That could either be a bridge or implant. I did think about wearing the retainer for a year or so before doing the implant but just decided to go ahead w/ it and get it over with. I completely understand the money issue though it does at least give you the option to wait and save w/ a retainer. I am hoping my braces will come off in March and around that time I will be ready for the implant so I will only need one retainer made. if not I will have a retainer w/ my fake tooth until the implant is completed...then will get a new retainer w/ my implant done!

I did look into the bridge which is a tooth bonded (using small metal flaps) to your two teeth on each side of the fake one. What I was told was with it being in the front of my mouth and my other teeth beside it being healthy it may not be a good option. this is because they have to damage the back of those teeth to attach the other one. I didn't want to risk damaging perfectly good teeth and later having a issue w/ them. Also a bridge is really only a somewhat temporary fix. Yes it could last 10 -15 years but odds are they do not and sooner or later you will be dishing out another grand to fix it. So why not do it right the first time?! Its such a scary and costly investment. I know we all share the same concerns but I hope in the end it will be all worth it :D
