Over the past 12 years, my midline shifted way off and is not symmetrical but is not that noticable. The shiffting occured due to a missing right canines.
I am so confused with different suggestions from different orthodontists.
I had someone tell me I can only correct it through cosmetic dentistry but looking at Erin's picture, I am not going to give up hopes because it looks almost the same except mine is missing the canines and a lot off symmetrical.
I visited one Dentist for invisilgn two years ago and he suggested that I was not a good candidate for it. He suggested I get implants first to another bottom missing teeth first (wrong suggestion)He was not creditable in other areas (Fraud) so I ruled him out.
I now seem to have found a pleasant and well rated Orthodontist and he said he could do the job with invisilgn.
But after reading about invisilgn's capabililty to only correct minor problems, I went for a second opinion today.
This Doctor said Invisilgn won't work for me and he may even have to extract a tooth to create room.
He said he can only predict and tell me the possible outcome once he started the work (pressure to sign their contract)
But after reading in this forum, I am now more optimistic than the roller coaster ride of thoughts from different
Orthodontists. Please help!!Me!!, I need this before the year Ends for my Flex Spending money.
Help!...Invislgn VS Traditional braces
Moderator: bbsadmin
- Posts: 466
- Joined: Mon Mar 21, 2005 8:51 pm
- Location: Utah,USA
I am not a professional, but I'll give my two cents
From what it sounds like, having Invisalign in your case would be more difficult than most cases. If you're worried about the cosmetic look of braces, maybe you could consider ceramic brackets. These really are not noticable at all! Good luck 

Damon 2's top and bottom, BRACED 02/22/04 and REMOVED 08/29/05. Now in bonded retainers (top and bottom) :4 wisdom teeth surgically removed on 12/22/05:
As an orthodontist, I wil tell you that correcting midline asymmetry with braces is often hard to perfect in the absence of extractions: where is the space to correct your midline supposed to come from? With Invisalign it would be tough. I would wager that your second opinion was not pressuring you to sign a contract but possibly being honest and not wanting to gaurantee a plan until tx progressed some. I do this all of the time. Invisalign is great (lets not go down that road again....
) but if there is even a doubt I would not pursue it. If you keep searching you will eventually hit on the one doctor that tells you just what you need to hear but may not be true- this leads to your unhapiness in a year or so. Sometimes, it's the non-commital doctor that really lays down the possible sources of error that might be the best. Given a chance - your average orthodontist can get you better, more predictable results with braces than with anything else.

Dr.J - Ortho
Help!...Invislgn VS Traditional braces
Thank you for your responses. I will go with Ceramic Braces!! This week but I am terrfied of extracting any of my teeth. Dr j asked where the room was going to come from. Can't the braces shift it all to the orginal place and create a room? I am wondering though if I should go with The Doctor whom I am in love with now!!26yrs Vet. Good rating, reasonalbe payment plan (I have had one bad experience with a crook) However, he said Invisilgn would work perfect on me..and even recommended that over traditional braces. Can this make him less of knowledgable about midline asymmetry?
I doubt has wanting to do Invisalign casts any doubt on his knowledge and ability to diagnose asymmetry. But your braces cannot propel your teeth around to their original symmetric position. Extractions provide the room for this. Braces really just close spaces, vertically align and derotate teeth "arrange" them if you will.
? Highly rated orthodontist? What does this mean? Is there a rating system out there? Tell me casue I want to check mine. Hope it's ok!
? Highly rated orthodontist? What does this mean? Is there a rating system out there? Tell me casue I want to check mine. Hope it's ok!
Dr.J - Ortho
Thanks a million for your opinion!
I checked a couple of Websites for the Doctor's Ratings and the best one was on www.droogle.com. And another one is www.Kudzu.com
I heard the same opinion for the last few years about my teeth but was afraid to try cosmetic Dentistry. I am going for Braces on the 12th!! wish me good luck.
I checked a couple of Websites for the Doctor's Ratings and the best one was on www.droogle.com. And another one is www.Kudzu.com
I heard the same opinion for the last few years about my teeth but was afraid to try cosmetic Dentistry. I am going for Braces on the 12th!! wish me good luck.
New Braces
I just got my new clear Braces Monday, 12/12/05 and I am so happy!to have come a long way...Wish me luck. For the past three days, I have been so anxious,eager to see a change(silly)and spent hours infront of the mirror. The best Christmas gift ever!