some advice please...!!!

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some advice please...!!!

#1 Post by hollywood_smile »

hey id like your advice, do i really really need braces? as you can see my avatar it looks ok, thats my smile looking at it from far.

it doesnt look that bad, so i was told to add more pics, and ask in here, i would love to have a perfect smile, some people have told me that m teeth comes out, and indeed they do, so today i started to take pictures of mu mouth from different angles, and my surprise is that i cant beleive thats my mouth!! i never looked at ir from some angles and wow!!, anyways, braces are painful, like a sacrifice, i wouldnt mind doing it to get a perfect smile and perfect teeth, but if i can avoid it would be great.

from 1 to 5 how would you rank the need of braces?

[img= ...]
thats my smile, closer.

[img= ...]
smile from a dif angle

[img= ...] teeth
[img= ...] smile again it comes.....the never seen angles.... :lol: ....

[img= ...]

[img= ...]

[img= ...]

[img= ...]

thanks a lot, i have the x ray appointment already for next thursday, but the ortho already told me that she would have to take off my 4 bucuspid, and im 18 so wisdom teeth are coming out and i really really hate that things (teeth extractions) or any sugetions on how can they be fixed without pain and stuff?? thanks alot!!!
I sooo Want a hollywood smilee....!!!!

Posts: 420
Joined: Tue Apr 19, 2005 7:50 pm

#2 Post by jenns91civic »

I'm not the doc...

Fixed without pain? Impossible for most people. Braces don't hurt THAT bad and some people experience very little to no pain. It varies person to person. Because of your bite (esp the left side from what I can see) I'd say you should go ahead and get braces. Just because you're 18 doesn't mean your wisdom teeth magically have to come out. Are they causing you any problems? I'm 22 and mine haven't even begun to grow in yet, don't hurt or cause any problems so I'm perfectly happy leaving them where they are. Maybe you can talk to your dentist and/or oral surgeon about that before having them removed? As for the bicuspids I can't really comment on that. Maybe Dr. J can offer up some of his infinite wisdom on that one?
Paramedic student

Full Braces (all metal) 5/12/1999 - 4/20/2005
Class II (overjet) on the left only
Upper and Lower Hawleys


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#3 Post by weird_wired »

I wonder if you should get a second opinion on the bicuspid extractions, if you are also going to get your wisdoms extracted?

It's impossible to tell without seeing x-rays and being an actual orthodontist, but your teeth look LESS crowded compared to mine at the start, and I didn't need extractions (I had already had my wisdom teeth out a year previously).

I would be really interested to hear the docs' take on this.

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#4 Post by fyrelight »

Yeah, get a second opinion.... You may not need that much space, since your teeth already line up so well. Maybe an expander would work for you to acquire enough room?
Pamela W.

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#5 Post by hollywood_smile »

hi thanks alot for your replies!
you should get a second opinion on the bicuspid extractions
well about the bicuspid two orthos told me the same about it.... but now that you point it, i guess you might be right(not needing the extraction), perhaps i should take a third or wait till the x rays and stuff....but why if they dont chnge their mind?? :evil:

Just because you're 18 doesn't mean your wisdom teeth magically have to come out. Are they causing you any problems?
i feel that is growing, at least one is in process, i feel it underneath the gums, oh god i hate pain!...

Maybe an expander would work for you to acquire enough room?
perhaps if on my next appointment to the ortho i tell her that an expander is enough she'll give a second thought, or i could convince her...of course if would work the same....

thanks you say i need braces but no extractions?! :wink:
I sooo Want a hollywood smilee....!!!!

Posts: 314
Joined: Fri Sep 16, 2005 5:14 pm

#6 Post by dr.j »

Your photos do not scream 4 bi extractions but sometimes photos can be deceiving. I would get another opinion - you only look mildly crowded.
Dr.J - Ortho

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#7 Post by LizzyG »

My teeth are much much more crowded than yours, and my ortho is confident he can do it without extractions, if I need any he has suggested wisdom teeth to come out, but I'm getting my braces with no extractions and we will see how it goes.

So I agree about the second (or third!) opinion.

Damon 3's upper and lower - 10 February 2006
