Wearing Retainers

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Wearing Retainers

#1 Post by Shane »

Im in my 40s......and I got my braces off a little over a year ago, after wearing them for 2years to fix an overbite and crooked teeth. I was faithful about wearing my retainer for the first 6mos or so, but now, not so much.

I started wearing it again (just need to at night) and it still fits me, though a little tight. will wearing it faithfully again correct anything that happened while I wasnt wearing it?

Also, the retainer I have is one of those all plastic ones........which for me, is very uncomfortable. Would another style be more comfortable?


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#2 Post by Shane »

Just wanted to add that I dont see any change in my teeth, they dont look to me as if they have shifted.

And.....I was told to wear them 24/7 for first 2mos (which I did) then only at night for life.

I also havent seen the Ortho since I got them off. Is that wierd? I dont know if I was suppose to, but Im assuming he would have called me back in, right?

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#3 Post by missingu »

I don't know your ortho's style, but yes, most patients are followed (coming in office) for a year after retention begins. I'd call the office to discuss a "consult" to find out the options.

I'm gathering the retainer you have is plastic and covers teeth, like the Invisalign braces. When my ortho and I discussed retainers (I"m not due to be braced til next week), we agreed on the traditional wire-across-teeth kind for daytime, because I would not feel comfortable with something covering my teeth during the day. The traditionals are called Hawley retainers.

At night, we are going wit the Essex retainer, which looks like Invisalign, because I need protection from serious tooth-grinding. I didn't want Essex during the day, so we came up with a compromise.

Good luck and keep us posted.

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#4 Post by Shane »

Im going to call the office on Monday. I think Id like to get a permanent retainer on the top (I have one on the bottom) I just dont think I can be relied upon to wear mine faithfully at night.

I know.....Im bad........very bad!

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#5 Post by Shane »

Well.....I called my ortho the day I posted here.....and the office person said that they see people at 8weeks,6mos and 1yr after the braces are removed. I told her NO ONE TOLD ME THAT!! and she didnt have anything to say.......hmmmmm. Im not really happy about that. :(

So I have an appt today. Ive been wearing my retainer faithfully, and ive noticed that it fits snugly, but feels like it fits right.....so maybe there wasnt any movement.

Ill post after my appt today. Im considering getting a permanent retainer for the top as I dont think I can be relied upon to be faithful about wearing this thing for the rest of my life. Just being honest. :roll: But its difficult. And when youre sick, have a cold etc??

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#6 Post by Shane »

Well.......He looked at my teeth and said the retainer I had wasnt fitting properly, that there had been some movement....and he is took an impression for a new retainer....a Hawley. He said because of my overbite and the way my teeth are, a permanent retainer wouldnt be an option for me. He said the new retainer should fix the situation of the moved teeth.

He was in a huge rush and running overtime, so I didnt get to talk to him about not being told about making recheck appts the past year. But I will when I see him in 3weeks to get my new retainer.

I hope I like it.......

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#7 Post by missingu »

If your ortho is like most, they will "always be running late" (not all, but most). What about putting your concerns in writing, as that generally gets people's attention moreso than someone "complaining" as us patients are often assumed to be.

If you really want to send a message loud and clear, and you are in the US, send it certified mail, return receipt. That means that cannot say they "never got it" as the postal person will wait for the signature card before delivery.

You may not feel the need to go to those lengths, but too often serious concerns do get "brushed off."

One warning - the whole situation could come down to "he said she said" and they may say you "didn't remember" being told about coming in, etc. You might want to check your contract about what it says for services in the retention phase - if they say you are to be seen, and during the braces phase you were not expected to "make your own appointments", then even if they try to abdicate responsibility, it seems reasonable that they should be documenting if you didn't "make" appointments.

Good luck. It sounds like the Hawley will work well for you. Luckily you are near the end of your journey.

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#8 Post by swellen »

At night, we are going wit the Essex retainer, which looks like Invisalign, because I need protection from serious tooth-grinding.
missingu, You might want to reconsider an Essix if you grind your teeth, unless they make it extra extra thick. I have an Essix and I've chewed right through it in about three places - and I'm only a mild tooth-grinder. It's about $300 to replace and at the rate I'm going I estimate I'll need to replace it once a year, just wearing it at night. I have a Hawley too but I don't like it because it makes me gag, and I'm not entirely sure it fits properly. (Yes, I should do something about that... a combination of moving cities and becoming a poor student has delayed me somewhat!)

Anyway, think carefully about the Essix because they're quite thin and you're likely to chew holes in it in no time at all.

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#9 Post by missingu »

Good point, swellen, I wonder if they can make an Essix "extra thick". My concern is that I will need retention at night and a Hawley won't protect my teeth from my never-ending grinding. I know they make "night guards" but somehow the idea of a night guard over a Hawley doesn't do too much for me. Also, they can be pretty bulky, whereas my understanding of the Essex is they are not so bulky (and thus, more easily worn through.)

Is it $300 to replace ONE (like upper or lower) or BOTH? It is is just one, I will have to do some serious reconsidering!

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#10 Post by Shane »

I think next time Im at the Ortho.....Ill have time to mention it. But he said itll be no charge for the new retainer.......AND..... the rechecks to make sure my teeth are back to where they should be. So im happy with that. Im just perturbed that I wasnt told by anyone I saw when my braces were removed, or when I returned 8weeks later for the full xrays.....which could be because they changed their whole staff, including the office people. Who knows. I dont think my teeth shifted that much......I had a slight overbite, and I believe thats where my teeth shifted.....nothing looks crooked if you look at my teeth straight on.

Im kinda bummed that he wont consider a permanent retainer. I guess I need to find a way to be dedicated to wearing it EVERY night. If anyone has any ideas on this.....Id appreciate it!!


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#11 Post by swellen »

Is it $300 to replace ONE (like upper or lower) or BOTH? It is is just one, I will have to do some serious reconsidering!
Just one, I'm afraid - I only had upper braces. But that's here in Australia at my ortho (former ortho, since I've moved). It may be a different price for you and it may be covered on your insurance.
