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extraction by dent. or surgeon

Posted: Tue Mar 28, 2006 9:08 pm
by sweetgurl
i was wondering is it best to get extraction by a dentist or a surgeon. Since surgeon has more school and training is that the best option. How much does it cost for extraction from dentist and surgeon.

Posted: Tue Mar 28, 2006 10:57 pm
by Flora2006
My dentist charges about 70$ for a simple extraction. But I had to pay 160$ for a complicated extraction. Wisdom teeth start at 250$ and go up according to complications that may occure. Surgeons would cost a lot more. (Those costs are Canadian money and the prices are what my dentist charges...each practice varies though)

Honestly though, if your dentist is confident, he can do it. I would think that he would tell you if you should seek a surgeon to extract a tooth if he thought he wouldn't be able to do it...

Usually a lot of people have their wisdom teeth extracted by the surgeon and other teeth by their dentist...I know that for myself, my dentist will remove my wisdom teeth just because I trust him and he's confident about removing them...

Posted: Wed Mar 29, 2006 9:33 am
by momof2grlz
My general dentist did my two simple pre-molar extractions. Took less than 5 minutes per tooth. He charged $55.00 per extraction. I think wisdom teeth extractions might call for a surgeon, but my general dentist sometimes does those too.


Re: extraction by dent. or surgeon

Posted: Wed Mar 29, 2006 1:26 pm
by Idislikebraces
sweetgurl wrote:i was wondering is it best to get extraction by a dentist or a surgeon. Since surgeon has more school and training is that the best option. How much does it cost for extraction from dentist and surgeon.
I got my 2nd to last molars removed by a dental surgeon because my dentist wouldnt do it...he said that it would be too complicated...but a few years before he took out one of my smaller if its one of the front teeth ur dentist will prob. do it but if its a larger back tooth go to a surgeon! :o


Posted: Thu Mar 30, 2006 9:20 pm
by sweetgurl
thanks for your input. that is very helpful

Posted: Wed Apr 05, 2006 11:02 pm
by Missingorigin
I got my 4 wisdom teeth and 4 premolars extracted by my dentist. it turned out okay.

Posted: Thu Apr 06, 2006 4:33 am
by missingu
My dentist said he preferred to let oral surgeon do extractions when there might be complications. For me it was a molar with an already-existing root canal which he thought might have been fractured. He wanted to make sure he didn't start extraction to find the root fractured, and make it worse for me.

Oral surgeon cost $202 (USD) for one tooth. Worth every cent!!!! She was superb and took it out and I didn't really know she had done it. No awful sounds or pressure. I was impressed. So I vote for the surgeon (no insurance, cash up front) but well worth it. Took maybe 5 minutes and it wasn't pretty, either.

Someone made a good point, that if your dentist doesn't feel comfortable they will probably refer out, so probably best to follow that. Worth it to me.

Also, very little pain afterwards. Not something I'd choose to do again, but so much less misery than expected, maybe because she was trained in oral surgery