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Kim Wires?

Posted: Fri Apr 21, 2006 9:02 pm
by Azalin
I'm pretty sure they're not called "Kim wires," but that's how they sound. Anyway, I got them today on my bottom teeth, but my orthodontist didn't really explain them. How are they different from normal wires? I tried Googling them, but couldn't find anything.

Posted: Sat Apr 22, 2006 7:53 am
by missingu
I know very little about ortho hardware, but I have gone to the web site:

They are an on-line supplier of orthdontic supplies of every possilbe variation (including a huge section on wires). Maybe their listing of the wires they carry for sale to orthos will include something that "sounds like" what your ortho used. If nothing else, the web site provides interesting insight into the hardware aspect of braces (and the costs to the ortho!!!).

Good luck.