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Pain / Pressure near ears since being braced

Posted: Sat May 06, 2006 7:53 pm
by karamon
Have you ever heard of anyone who is newly braced experiencing pain / pressure sensation in and near ears? I've been to two ENTs and am getting a Sinus CT next Friday. At first, it just happened on left side but after receiving new archwire, it started happening on right side as well. It sort of feels like someone is pulling your hair on the area right on top of ears. It comes and goes, but when it is "active" it is there for hours. Could this be related to my extremely deep overbite and the realignment of my teeth?

It is quite annoying, but not really "painful" just a constant feeling of pressure. I can live with it but hope it goes away after braces come off. Ortho checked and said I don't seem to have TMJ.

Just wondering if you might have come across this in your practice....


Posted: Sat May 06, 2006 8:38 pm
by missingu
I'd recommend getting an MRI of the TMJ joints. That is really the only way an MD/DDS can know what is going on in the joint area. It might be helpful to "round out" the diagnostic picture because the provider really cannot tell what is going on "in there" without it. I think your ortho could write the order or the ENT.

Good luck.

Posted: Sun May 07, 2006 4:39 pm
by butterfly
I don't know what kind of pain you have. In the beginning of the treatment and after each adjustment I also have a dull ache in the ears for a few days. it is exaclty the same pain like I had from my impacted wisdom teeth pushing against the other teeth (until they were finally removed). Suppose this ache comes from the pressure on the teeth. It should pass.

Posted: Sun May 07, 2006 5:17 pm
by jcdamon3
Do you have any idea if you have been grinding or clenching your teeth more while you sleep since getting braced. Alot of people on this board say that the clenching increases. Clenching/grinding can cause ear pain and is one of the symptoms of bruxism.

I recently had an adjustment and the pain was going up the front of my face into my forehead. The movement of the teeth creates all kinds of weird aches and pains.

Good luck

FYI- I am not a doctor - sure you figured that out. Just thought I would give you some food for though. Good luck!

Posted: Mon May 08, 2006 7:12 am
by momof2grlz
I've experienced ear and neck pain a couple of times after adjustments. I really think the pain I get is more of a muscle pain than joint pain when my bite changes and different muscles are being used. Moist heat usually helps alleviate the pain.


Posted: Tue May 09, 2006 9:03 pm
by karamon
Thanks for all your great responses. When it first started happening it felt like there was blood or something wet draining into my left inner ear. Weird huh?? Well that lasted around 3-4 weeks. Went to first ENT. He saw nothing. Sensation then evolved into a pulling feeling right on top of ear with strange pressure in ear. Went to new ENT who also went up my nose and down my throat a little with the scope. Saw nothing. Looked at me like I was a little nutty but suggested getting a CT scan. So, I'm going Thursday.

I do think I grind/clench my teeth at night now that I can bite down again. And since my archwire was changed for 1st time on 4/26 I've started feeling the same sensations on right side so I am guessing/hoping it is connected to bite being corrected and the feelings are related to muscles and joints.

I will definitely post the results when I get them. I do have awful sinuses and sinus headaches (which new ENT said are migraines not sinus headaches but I don't have nausea or light sensitivity). The jaw pain coupled with the headaches are pretty annoying but not unbearable.

On a lighter note, my teeth are looking great!!! Will post pics when I can. I'm a web designer and always on web working, so when it comes to my own stuff, I'm always the last priority. Paying customers first!

Thanks for your responses!

2 more days til CT scan.

Karin (karamon)

Posted: Wed May 10, 2006 3:13 am
by fins
I don't remember pain in my ears but I have experienced some jaw pain after an adjustment and facial pain including mild pain around the sinus area or a numb feeling. For me it was the adjustment that caused it but sometimes I can get it from the teeth moving several weeks after an adjustment.

CT Scan results

Posted: Sat May 20, 2006 6:47 pm
by karamon
Well, fellow brace wearers, FYI be aware that braces can cause TMJ like problems. CT scan showed no masses or anything out of the ordinary (Thank God). ENT thinks pain/pressure I'm feeling is both muscular and also because deep overbite is being corrected. If it continues or worsens he wants me to see a neurologist or a TMJ specialist.

You know, it's my luck that if there is a small percentage of people that get some weird side effects it's always me. But I'll take this over any other problem.

Breathing a sigh of relief,


Posted: Mon May 22, 2006 7:24 pm
by karamon
Thanks for responding.

You know it's funny. When my braces were put on I had zero pain, not even enough for a baby aspirin. I thought I had it made. Then around a month later all this started happening. But it really is not that bad -- just weird and a little annoying. Now that I know what it is, it makes it much easier to deal with.

8 years ago I had such bad abdominal pain I almost had no social life as I had to run home from work and lie flat on my bed to get any relief. It turned out I had a food sensitivity to gluten but not as serious as celiac. I changed my diet and now I am back to normal. But that pain was worse than having my two children naturally without drugs. This jaw/ear/head pain is cake compared to that.

Anyway, if any of you out there in ArchWired land feel any funny pressure/pulling sensations, at least you know what it might be!

Take care,

PT help

Posted: Sun Jun 25, 2006 4:55 am
by isabel1971
To make a long story short, I had some of your very same issues. I went to several doctors (ENT, etc.) and FINALLY got relief by going to physical therapy. It could be more of a muscular/skeletal issue and the PT will help.
Good luck

Posted: Sun Jun 25, 2006 6:18 am
by mjbusch

I have those same problems. I have been twice to the physical therapist and she just gives me two exercises to do when I am at home. First is to twist your head to right a little past your shoulders and the same on the left. Friday she gave me a second exercise and she wanted me to touch my ear to my shoulder on both sides and hold for 30 seconds. Can you explain what the PT had you do? So far I think PT has been a waste of money and time. Tomorrow the dentist is sending me to the oral surgeon again this time a different one.

PT help

Posted: Tue Jun 27, 2006 4:48 am
by isabel1971
My PT had several stretching exercises and some pressure points that she massaged. Perhaps you would have relief in going to a chiropractor???
Best wishes

Posted: Tue Jun 27, 2006 1:14 pm
by mjbusch
Thanks Isabella and Merytaten for the reply. I will see if my physical therapist would refer me to one. Today I had to get upper and lower impressions for a splint. Hopefully the splint will help. So far the nightguard and medications hasn't helped.


Posted: Wed Jun 28, 2006 6:37 am
by isabel1971
I know how frustrating it is to be going from referral to referral in looking for an answer....or a solution to your issue. I researched mine to death (the blocked eardrum/pressure feeling) and I tried everything known.
I am wondering if you have pain in your lower neck/upper shoulders. If so, the pt could really help. Go to one who specializes in TMJ issues. Where do you live???

Posted: Wed Jun 28, 2006 5:01 pm
by mjbusch
My muscles are very tight and sometimes I get pain in the lower neck. Some of my neck muscles are very tight. I have been gone to PT twice and all she does is asks me some questions and shows me a new exercise I should try. I live in the DC Baltimore area.