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Perfect Smile or same profile???

Posted: Wed May 10, 2006 6:12 pm
by vivi
Ok when I went to see my 1st ortho he said I was gonna have 4 extractions I didnt get my braces there because the price was too high..
Now my ortho was telling me if I had 4 extractions my profile will change and i would look older so when Im like 40 I ll look 45 he recommended surgery but i dont have enough money... So what should I do did this happen to anyone else?? Im paying 5000 by myself so I think my smile should be fixed but I dont want to look older...

My teeth that have to be extracted are 2 in the bottom the ones in the top are my problem but he says if I only get 2 extractions by front teeth will not be fixed (apparently I sucked on my thumb when I was younger so my 2 front teeth are crooked) but the other 4 next to my front teeth are also a big problem the canines are way up in my gums and the ones right next to the front teeth are like under the front teeth (I guess they didnt have space to grow) So if I dont have the 4 extractions Im afraid is going to take forever to fix these problem because of all the crowding how will they move if I dont have the extractions??
I dont know if you guys understand me ( I dont know the names of the teeth sorry!!) Can someone help me Please!!!

Posted: Thu May 11, 2006 4:38 am
by Svensk Tiger
I have to agree with KK.

What surgery does he think you need? It doesn't matter if you don't know the proper terms, if you can tell us roughly what he said we should be able to work it out. Give us as much information as you can, there are people here that have gone the surgical route and others that have had extractions. We'll help as best we can.

Ultimately though it would be a good idea to have a couple more consultations if you can, it's always good to get second and even third opinions from a professional. While we will offer you the best advice we can, we're not dental professionals and can only offer advice based on our own experiences.

Keep us updated :D

Posted: Thu May 11, 2006 11:38 am
by sjsarre
My Ortho didn't mention anything to me about looking older after having four extractions out? :shock:

He said my profile would change somewhat, but he said it would be more pleasing! :?:

Posted: Thu May 11, 2006 3:45 pm
by jcdamon3
I would go get more opinions and see if you can find an ortho that can do what you want without extractions. I know that there are some people on the board that sacrificed entirely fixing their overjet becausse they didn't want extractions. Also, if you are in an area with alot of orthos, try to find one that uses self ligating brackets. They claim to be able to do more without extractions. I don't know if this is marketing hype or not but it is worth investigating.

Posted: Thu May 11, 2006 6:39 pm
by vivi
OMG you guys I cant get a second opinion because that day I got my braces he was telling me this while he was putting my braces on I couldnt even talk! the assistan ask me if i wanted 4 extractions or surgery I said 4 extractions but when the ortho was putting the braces on he was telling me how 4 extractions would change my profile for worse! I have a friend who also had 4 extractions and his sister too and their ortho said it would change their profile for the better.. So My ortho ask me to think about it because he said he could extract the other 2 teeth later or I could have surgery later on but if I get 4 extractions and I regret it i cant do anything about it..

If he had told me this before I've probably gone to see another ortho. Maybe it has to do with my face (Im mexican but I look indian) and there was this girl from india and he said she had the same problem. (My nose has that bump like many indian girls and my face is kinda round maybe thats why my profile would be for worse I dont know what to think) =(