Is Invisalign Appropriate?

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Is Invisalign Appropriate?

#1 Post by CrookedSam »

I just had a consultation with my dentist re: Invisalign and he said he did not think they would work because I may have TMJ. I don't think I'd need a great deal of adjustment: I have crooked teeth in the front on top and bottom (5 on top and 5 on bottom). Have you had a similar situation? Should I get a second opinion? Also, how successful is Invisalign vs. Lingual braces? My dentist did not tell me about linguals, just "conventional braces".

Posts: 22
Joined: Sun Jun 04, 2006 9:31 am

#2 Post by DrJeffOrtho »

Putting the Invisalign plastic between the teeth can aggrevate TMJ problems, it can also allow the jaw to reposition to a more biologic position of the ball in the socket - but this physiologic repositioning of the jaw can make fitting the teeth together with Invisalign more difficult, if not impossible. I don't recommend Invsalign to my patients with TMJ issues.

Lingual braces can be effective, however they are not for beginners - they are more complicated and also less comfortable, at least at first.

Find an orthodontist and check with him or her about what would work best for you.
