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Retainer Advice

Posted: Tue Jun 20, 2006 10:12 am
by kirst1583
Hi Dr Genecov (and everyone else).
I got my braces off just over a month ago. I've worn my upper Hawley retainer ever since and have now been told for the next 3 months at least I only have to make sure it's in 12 hrs a day.
I've done that the past 2 days but it's real tight when I put it back in (just before I go to bed). The next morning when I wake it feels normal again..
I just wondered whether this is normal? I'm tending to think maybe I should just keep it in full time for a while longer...
Any advice is much appreciated
Thanks :wink:

Posted: Tue Jun 20, 2006 1:03 pm
by DrJeffOrtho
we recommend 24 hrs/day except eating brushing & sports for 64-6 months before going to nites only. it takes 6 months for the bone to reorganize around the new tooth position.

Posted: Wed Jun 21, 2006 6:57 am
by kirst1583
Thanks for the quick reply.
That's weird then.. I wonder why after only a month i'm only meant to wear it 12 hrs a day.
This whole processing can get kinda confusing. hmm.....