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Braces for just 1 tooth?

Posted: Wed Oct 26, 2005 11:30 am
by genxsis
Dear Doctor:

I have an eye tooth in the lower front that overlaps a tooth behind it, making for hard cleaning and now a small cavity that the dentist says he can't work on because of the tight space. My other front teeth are crooked too, so braces would benefit me cosmeticaly, but I'm 34 and am not too concerned about that.

My dentist suggested pulling the rearward tooth and then getting braces to prevent the eye tooth from "tipping" because of the lack of support.

But Gee whiz! Braces for the next 2 years just because of that one tooth? I thought when he said "braces", it would mean just on 3 teeth, to stablize that one I mentioned. But full mouth braces would require 4 pre molar extractions and all the problems that come with full braces.

Is there anything else you could recommend that I suggest to my dentist or ortho as an alternative?

Thank you in advance for any advice you can give me!


Posted: Wed Oct 26, 2005 2:20 pm
by dr.j
Got any pictures?
Honestly your teeth may be more off than you think and often fixing one tooth opens THIS IS SPAM PLEASE REPORT TO THE ADMINISTRATOR. THIS IS SPAM PLEASE REPORT TO THE ADMINISTRATOR. THIS IS SPAM PLEASE REPORT TO THE ADMINISTRATOR. THIS IS SPAM PLEASE REPORT TO THE ADMINISTRATOR. THIS IS SPAM PLEASE REPORT TO THE ADMINISTRATOR.'s Box and means that the way the teeth fit may be disturbed by just fixing one. My advice: go see an orthodontic specialist or 2 .
