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Elastics question (Pics included)

Posted: Fri Nov 04, 2005 5:31 am
by Tasha0313
I have been wearing elastics for two months now to close a small open bite on the right side, however, the progress has been really slow and I'm starting to get frustrated. I've enclosed two pictures, one from the side and one view from the front. ... Brace2.jpg ... Brace1.jpg

1. How exactly do the elastics work, I understand their purpose, I just don't get the science behind it.
2. Are there different strength (for lack of better words) elastics?? The bag that I have says size 1/4, HEAVY 6.44mm.
3. Should I be wearing the elastics on the other side also to keep it equal or is it safe to only wear them on one side?

Posted: Sat Nov 05, 2005 2:23 pm
by MusicIsMyLife
Yes to your second question. I just got elastics and the two little bags I got are of different strengths. H4 (4mm) and H6 (6mm).

Posted: Sat Nov 05, 2005 3:14 pm
by alexa
Well, I'm no doctor, so I can't go into details about how the process works, but yes to number 2. Elastics come in several different diameter sizes and varying strengths. I've used a couple of different types to fix different problems during my treatment.

As for number 3, you should be wearing your elastics exactly the way your orthodontist tells you to. If he/she says just wear them on one side, then do that. If he/she says both sides, then do that. Your orthodontist knows what they're doing (hopefully!! :shock: ) and by second guessing the ortho, you may throw off your treatment.

I can't see your pics, by the way.
