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Wilckodontics - Accelerated Osteogenic Orthodontics (AOO)

Posted: Fri Dec 09, 2005 6:49 pm
by Avarik
Hey there! Im still looking for the quickest braces system, and I managed to stumble upon this procedure - Wilckodontics

Basically, from what I've been able to gather, its far quicker then regular braces, costs about twice as much, and hurts a lot! My worries, though, are that this might actually move the teeth too fast - so much so that they might start shifting back? It says that after the regular braces, one must wear retainers for a year 24/7, so I thought this would keep the teeth in place.

Basically, I would like some opinions about whether or not this type of procedure is a good idea - especially for a young adult (age 17).

Posted: Sat Dec 10, 2005 2:55 am
by TuZZi
What's the big hurry? In my opinion.... you can't rush perfection. Would you rather have it done slower, with the smallest chance of relapse, or get it done fast, with a larger chance of relapse?

Posted: Sat Dec 10, 2005 6:20 am
by dr.j
Never done it. Intrigued by it. Slightly scared of it. I guess there is a place for it in todays rush, rush climate for adults. Just b/c I don't do it doesn't make it wrong.

I have a recollection of Dan Akroyd saying "We mock what we don't understand" in Spies Like Us. So I know there is something to this and there is an expanding body of research. I'm not sure if the data is from well designed studies in refereed journals.


Posted: Sat Dec 10, 2005 4:14 pm
by jenns91civic
I don't get it. What does that system involve that makes teeth move so fast?

Posted: Sat Dec 10, 2005 5:56 pm
by David
It is a surgical technique. There is some good info on it at

Posted: Sat Dec 10, 2005 7:26 pm
by jenns91civic
Thanks David! It seems to me like if it was as great as they say, more people would do it. Sure it's expensive but 3-8 months in braces vs 24+? If having that surgery then braces for a few months would fix my overjet on the left completely, and I had the money, I'd do it. Just pass the etomidate and Diprivan and I'll snooze through it. :)

Posted: Tue Dec 13, 2005 10:31 am
by Billyjo
My wife is presently undergoing the procedure. She had the braces put on about eight weeks ago and the operation (as well as 4 bicuspids extracted) two weeks ago. She will have the stitches out two days from today. A complication has occurred where one of her front teeth turned gray last week. It then turned bluish pink and is apparently bleeding inside too. She is going to have a root canal tomorrow and will have the color dyed to match. I originally posted about this under the title "braces for enhancing profile?". She is anxious to have the stitches removed as she thinks they are causing her some discomfort but she has not really been complaining about any serious pain. She discontinued the prescription painkiller within 5 days and has taken Annacin a couple of times. We will see how it goes.

Posted: Wed Dec 14, 2005 4:43 am
by Gable74
dr.j wrote: I have a recollection of Dan Akroyd saying "We mock what we don't understand" in Spies Like Us. So I know there is something to this and there is an expanding body of research. I'm not sure if the data is from well designed studies in refereed journals.

Peculiar that you would use "Dan Akroyd" to buttress your philosophical beliefs....LMAO. I recall a certain "full piture of kool-aid" saying as he busted through my living room wall on Christams morning,........."OH YEAH!!!!"

Posted: Mon Dec 19, 2005 2:28 pm
by Avarik
Well, I had a consultation from a local doctor about this a few days ago, and will be going in to take my xrays in a few days. $7,000-$10,000 is the estimated cost...with some (not sure how much) covered by insurance. He is both a periodontist and an orthodontist, part private practition, part professor at UCLA, part president of the alumni committee (which works well for me, because I'll be getting some good college advice!)

Soon, hopefully within 3 weeks, I'll be undergoing the procedure. My doctor doesn't fully use the wilckodontics technique, but uses parts of it to speed up the procedure. Without pictures, he estimated somewhere between 6 months and a year to get my teeth done - and I should have a more final estimate once he looks at the pictures.

Since I myself which I could find more blogs on this procedure, I guess I'll create after i get started. Wish me luck!