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Molar Bands Question

Posted: Fri Feb 10, 2006 7:00 am
by oklanole
I have searched but seems like molar bands are in every thread. I have been in braces for three days now. I do not have them on all of my back teeth, but I do have metal spacers in between most of them. Now from reading on here I have been able to figure out that the spacers will make room for molar bands. My question is does this hurt? Do you need anesthesia? I guess you can say that I am pretty nervous about the pain. I have only been in braces since 02-08-06, but I have not been back to work since. My mouth feels like I have been repeatedly kicked. Thanks in advance for your help and all the advice that I have gotten from my new found friends here.

Posted: Sun Feb 12, 2006 2:20 pm
by ssfw
Hi oklanole,

For me, getting the molar bands fitted was so easy. My bands were attached to my expander. When I returned to have the bands/expander placed it was an easy process also. But, from reading other posts in the past, I think all of this depends on your orthodontist/assistant - some have written that their ortho assistant was very rough when trying to find the right-size band and this can make it painful/uncomfortable for the patient. I have really had the greatest luck at my orthodontists' office. Both orthodontists and the assistants I have had have been the greatest.

I wouldn't stress out over this.

Good luck.


Posted: Sun Feb 12, 2006 2:37 pm
by JN_Woods
I had severe crowding back by my molars and when I was banded, they had a hard time sliding it on even after the spacers came out. I bled and it hurt, but my crowding by my molars was worse than most people. Good luck and even if it is painful, I promise it is well worth it. Good luck. The spacers are by far the worst part so far for me.

Posted: Mon Feb 13, 2006 11:23 am
by fins
When my ortho did it, no problem, fast and easy. When the assistant tried it was a whole different ball game. I wish my orth did ALL the work.

Posted: Mon Feb 13, 2006 9:33 pm
by oklanole
Thanks for all the information. This board has been a big help and I am greatful to have found a community that is really willing to share the knowledge.