Braces Are Coming Off: But Teeth Aren't Straight??

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Braces Are Coming Off: But Teeth Aren't Straight??

#1 Post by SJade40 »

Hello. My ortho has notified me it's time for my braces to come off. However my bottom teeth aren't yet straight in the front. The right side on the bottoms is especially of concern to me, because the "fang tooth" is not yet in "place", and my teeth are not meeting in the back on the right side. I've expressed these concerns, but the only response I receive is, "That's Ok." I asked the technician what the deal is, and she says, "Well you are going to get retainers now." I always assumed retainers were for keeping teeth in place, rather than actually moving them. Any clarification on this topic would be of great help. Thanks.

PS: I'm wearing two elastics on the left side of my mouth to "straighten the midline". Supposedly its bringing the top teeth into the midline with bottom. Yet to me, it looks like the bottoms are actually off midline with the tops. What determines the "true" midline? I'm concerned I'm going to get a lopsided midline, where the top and the bottoms midlines meet, yet its not really a midline (more like a sideline). Thank you so much.


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#2 Post by cookie »

I would definitely voice your concerns with your ortho.

My ortho was very up front with me and told me that my bite will never be 100%, but since my main concern was the straightness and aesthetics of my teeth this didn't bother me.
Ceramic top braces 14 Dec 2004, Ceramic top braces OFF 2 Jun 2006
Metal bottom braces 26 Apr 2005


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Joined: Mon Aug 22, 2005 6:34 pm

#3 Post by braceface1230 »

To try to answer your concern about your midline; take something thats straight and narrow, like a comb or some thread. From the center of your chin to the center between your eyes, hold the straight edge. This will help you find your midline.
