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Posted: Wed Feb 15, 2006 3:20 pm
by sweetgurl
hi, I have been to many and many ortho but still don't know which one to pick.I narrow down to 2.

hE is a dentist but not specialize in ortho.
He told me i need about 18 months of treatment and need to wear a curve arch expander on the top and bottom. Have any one ever wear it or know what is the function of it. It is like a c shape and fit the inside of the teeth and wrapped around one of the back teeth. The cost is only 3200(of course he is only a dentist not really a ortho)

Another ortho who is specialize and train in braces told me the treatment time is two years and cause me 5900 :shock: .I will need to wear the upper palate expander by turning the key. I didn't want to go with him cause of the uneasy feeling of something on the roof of my mouth. THink about eating noodles. I choke easily. Plus, i heard that he did a good job and has practice more then ten years. A friend also complete her treatment there. I hate wearing the palate expander. sometime i think i should go with the dentist who practice ortho because it cheaper and less feeling irritated expander.

I about to go to the third ortho consultation. I will tell about it soon.

What should i do anyone out there with ideas. Gladly appreciated it.
I am confused!!!!!!!!!!

Posted: Wed Feb 15, 2006 7:03 pm
by braceface1230
A true orthodontist's expertise is in moving teeth. Dentist know plenty about teeth, but an ortho has spent more time in school to learn about it. I'd definately take the orthos opinion over the dentists. But definately look around for an ortho who's within your price range. As far as the expander goes... you might just have to deal with it. But look on the bright side, you're teeth will look great. By the way, I am not a doctor of anything. Just another brace face.

Posted: Wed Feb 15, 2006 7:18 pm
by adollface
I'm not a doctor either but I would try to find an orthodontist who uses the Damon System if you are fearful of the palate expander. Many times when Damon braces are used there is no need for an expander. They also work a little faster and are smaller. You would also have fewer adjustments during your treatment time. Just an idea!!

Damon 2's top and bottom
braced 12-16-04


Posted: Wed Feb 15, 2006 9:32 pm
by sweetgurl
wouldn't the damon system hurt me bones, teeth, or jaw in anyway. My teeth are crowded and i do need expander. I think that will cause my to have bone problem since every teeth is smash together.

thanks for your reply

Posted: Thu Feb 16, 2006 1:31 am
by Clo

again not a doc here, just an experienced brace wearer.
I posted frequently here about my issues and my ortho not being able to
correct them. I now have a more experienced one, and things look a lot
better now regarding treatment. So I would say that your second option
sound best to me. You should choose the one who is best able to treat
you, not the one who talks the words you want to hear. Yes, I think
experience and being specialized is vital for a good result. But express
your feelings, that you are afraid of the expander. I am sure they will
explain. Know that for almost everyone, only the first days are hard, then
it gets easier each day.

Good luck !

Posted: Thu Feb 16, 2006 7:01 am
by dr.j
First, please see an orthodontic specialist not a general dentist who dabbles in ortho - you could be in for a big problem later, esp with what sounds like a complex case. It may be more expensive but you are paying for the increased standard of care and more expertise.

Secondly, as an orthodontist and a Damon user I would not recommend seeking a "Damon" orthodontist just b/c one may have a feeling about palate expansion. I use Damons sparingly just b/c I like to try new appliances, but the problem is that the direct marketing to the public has increased patient expectations of what these braces can do to an unrealistic level. They are just braces and really the type of bracket is absolutely irrelevant - it's the skill of the doc that makes treatment faster. If we are not careful Damon will be looked at as the "7 minute abs" of orthodontics - menaced by celestial expectations and given far too much credit for their success stories.

Good luck finding a doc that you are comfortable with..

Posted: Thu Feb 16, 2006 7:06 am
by braceface1230
I also just wanted to add... that you are definately going to experience "some" discomfort throughout your treatment. Some days are going to be uncomfortable. Yes, some pain is very, very normal, so please don't worry about that too much.

And those thoughts on using the Damon system sound great. I'm not using that, but now that you mention that, I kind of wish I had that info; my palate is pretty narrow, and I have some fairly larger sized teeth. A wider palate sure would make things easier.


Posted: Fri Feb 17, 2006 6:03 pm
by Mojorisin
I don't know about unrealistic, but...

I am a real story of the power of Damon. I was told by one orthodontist that I would need an expanderand would be treated for over 2 years, and my ortho used Damon and said I could be treated without one in about 18 months. I got a great smile in just over 17 months, and didn't have to go through the hassle and pain of something jammed into me mouth.

Posted: Mon Feb 20, 2006 11:33 am
by adollface
I agree with you Mojorisin. I don't think my expectation of what my braces can do are unrealistic. I had no idea what to expect getting braces for the first time but I am happy with my results so far (and I am almost done with treatment). My daughter is getting them in a couple of months and the ortho said no palate expander for her with them. Two other orthos wanted to put one in her with traditional braces for 18 months. Sorry doc but I don't agree with you on this one. And I am not saying that Damons are the best and everyone should have them. Guess I just have an ortho who has lots of experience with Damons and has learned how to use them to get the best results in the least amount of time possible for each patient. I am very thankful.

Damon 2's top and bottom
braced 12-16-04