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solitary bone cyst

Posted: Thu Mar 09, 2006 8:03 am
by kit
OK, I know this isn't directly related to my orthodontic treatment but when getting my first x-rays before starting on my brace journey, my ortho discovered this cyst in my jaw/chin.
I went for a further x-ray/diagnosis to a specialist oral surgeon just to make sure it was alright to start the orthodontic treatment.... he said it shouldnt cause any problems, and he would review the cyst in 6 months.

When I went back recently for my 6 month review x-ray, he recommended that I get the cyst lanced and it will fill up with blood and then that will be the end of it (almost exactly his words!). Its not a major procedure, will be in for about half a day....
However when I said it to my ortho at my latest appt just this week (where I got my most painful bottom braces on!) - he said he'd have to check about getting that done because it could interfere with him moving the bottom teeth...

anyway, really I would like to ask for any information on these cysts and how likely it would be to complicate things with the braces?
thanks in advance

Posted: Fri Mar 10, 2006 4:31 pm
by chrisd
a solitary bone cyst is a completely benigh lesion. if that is what it is i would leave it alone, and really no follow up is needed. just remember any time you have a procedure done, even a minor one there is a potential for bad consequences - infection and so on.