Pictures of my Strange Retainer! (Damon Night Splint)

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Pictures of my Strange Retainer! (Damon Night Splint)

#1 Post by jaws »

Hi Everyone,

I posted this under my braces story, but thought I would post it here too.

Well I finally got my retainer today after 4 weeks post-braces! (long story as to why it took so long, but I had permanent bonded retainers on top and bottom, so I'm hoping my teeth didn't move too much).

I wanted to post some pics because this is the craziest looking retainer of all time! It looks like it's from outer space! It's called a Damon Night Splint (I think) and my ortho said that he wants me to wear it at night because it helps to relax the jaw muscles, which then keeps the teeth from relapsing. I guess this is something new that my ortho learned at a conference recently, so I'm like a guinea pig!

Basically, the retainer is like an Essix, except that the top and bottom are fused together. You might notice from the pic that there is only a TINY hole for me to breath out of at night! Here is a front pic:


Here is a side pic:


As you can see, the top and bottom are almost completely fused together, so I can't move my mouth at all while it's on! Also, you will notice that it keeps my mouth slightly open (the top and bottom teeth have space between them). I can imagine this is going to lead to drooling!

Here is a top pic:


I'm wearing it tonight for the first time, so we'll see how it goes! :D
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#2 Post by KittyW »

OMG! I would die if I had to wear that! I have allergies and sometimes end up breathing thru my mouth if I'm stuffed up.

As soon as I get some dental work completed I am supposed to get a night time "Splint". I hope to God it's not the same thing! Now you have me scared!
Damon 3 - Dec. 7th, 2004
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#3 Post by dev »

It looks like it's hungry.


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#4 Post by hippyhippo »

I found out at my final ortho consult yesterday (brace date is Aug 22!) that once the braces come off I'll be getting a Damon retainer as well. It didn't look too bad, and the ortho said a lot of his clients tell him that it's really comfortable. How are you finding it?

He said it was important for me to have this kind of retainer b/c my bite is so off now that even after surgery, etc, there is a strong chance my teeth will still try to relapse. The damon retainer will help ensure my bite stays perfect. Makes sense to me!

To be honest, I like the idea of this more than the hawley (sp?) retainers. The idea of something resting across the top of my mouth just makes me want to gag! This looks more like a mouth guard, which I'm used to wearing from sports.

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#5 Post by Chris »

It looks like it's hungry.

Looks like a straw can fit easily....

how about a MILKSHAKE? :jokerlaugh:

Let us know how well you do with it.
Geez, I hope nothing crawls into your mouth at night.
Ok, forget I mentioned it. :wink:
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#6 Post by jaws »

Well, here is an update after my first night with the scary retainer!!

It was a little rough I must admit. As Meryaten mentioned, I did feel pretty claustrophobic in it at first, and it was a little hard to calm down and get myself to sleep! I also woke up around 2am with a lot of pain...the sort of pain that you get after you go in for an adjustment. The hygenist warned me that this might happen, because my teeth have probably shifted a bit in the 3 weeks since I got the braces off, so the retainer is moving them back into place. Still, it was a little weird to wake up with that achey/itchy tooth feeling. I think I might take an advil tonight before bed until I get used to it.

As for the comfort, I can close my mouth with it in, so it wasn't too bad. In some ways it is sort of 'comfortable', because it kept my teeth slightly apart, and I usually grind my teeth at night. It felt kind of nice to wake up without that clenched feeling. However, the achey tooth feeling seems to be taking over the comfort feeling, at least for now.

hippyhippo--I also like the idea of a retainer that covers all of my teeth. It gives me some peace of mind...lets just hope I get used to it!

P.S. In terms of feeding it--I made the mistake of waking up in the middle of the night to take a drink of water--some of it went down my throat through the little hole in my retainer, and the rest of it went all over my bed!! No milkshakes for me! :?
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#7 Post by mtbrncofn »

I could not cope with that thing. It would freak me out. Glad you can deal with it, Jaws!

Good luck, cause that is one strange looking device there.
Full upper and lower metal braces put on May 12, 2005.

Braces free as of April 18, 2006!

Temporarily rebraced Nov. 21, 2006. ( I think I've moved past temporary. )

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#8 Post by sjsarre »

Blimey... Thats a bit of a contraption!

Hope you are getting used to it now?


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#9 Post by hippyhippo »

I'm glad to hear that it seems to be working out not too bad! Do you know how long you need to wear it for? I was told that when it comes time to getting my retainer I would likely need to wear it for at least 9 months every night (in additional to my bonded retainers). Wow, I haven't even been braced yet, and I'm worried about getting a retainer! heh.

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#10 Post by jaws »

Hi hippyhippo,

I think I have to wear my retainer every night for at least 1 year, and then after that it's up to me. I think I will wear it every night for a very long time, because I've heard a number of horror stories about adults having their teeth relapse. I want to do everything that I can to keep my teeth straight!

As an update: I am getting used to the retainer in general. My teeth don't hurt anymore after wearing it, and I don't feel quite as claustrophobic in it anymore. I still look ridiculous when I wear it--so luckily I only have to wear it at night! :D
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April 11th 2005-June 27th 2006

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Re: Pictures of my Strange Retainer! (Damon Night Splint)

#11 Post by fred man is »

i would actually want one of those because i grind my teeth and think i could overcome the preasure after 2 years in braces :P

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Re: Pictures of my Strange Retainer! (Damon Night Splint)

#12 Post by TMJJill »

My retainer is a different style, but it is made to hold my lower jaw in a forward position when I sleep and it keeps me from bruxing.

The dentist customized a version of an Essix retainer for me at night. I also have 'traditional' Essix style retainers as well.

Braces as Phase II treatment for TMJD.
Lower mandibular repositioning splint 26 months.
Lower braces on 10.75 months into Phase II treatment.
Duration in braces: 2 years, 2 weeks, 5 days
Removal of Braces: September 18, 2013

TMJD treatment now complete!

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