Am I Being Too Picky?

If you have finished with your orthodontic treatment and are wearing retainers (or will be soon), this is a special place to connect with others in your (enviable) situation. Ask a question or make a comment about life post-braces.

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Am I Being Too Picky?

#1 Post by rbv »

Hello everyone,

I got my braces off a month ago, but am not entirely happy with the results. Yes, my teeth look a lot better than before, but I didn't get the "perfect" smile that I was hoping for, so I'm quite disappointed. I know not everyone can have perfectly aligned teeth for one reason or another, but I thought it would be possible in my case.

Here's what my teeth look like now. Please excuse the excess saliva (I just took my retainers out for the pic), the yellowness (I haven't done the Whitestrips yet), and the glop of resin on my upper front right tooth (which my ortho put on to position the tooth with the help of the Essix retainers). Anyway, I don't think they look that bad from a regular distance like this.


However, a closeup shot at a downward angle shows just how out of alignment my upper front two teeth are. You can see that the right side sticks out further (thus the resin on it). Furthermore, I think there's too much of a gap between my two front teeth near the bottoms, and the teeth are actually angled away from each other, with the right one pointing off to the right and the left one pointing off to the left. It's not that evident in the picture because I couldn't get the right angle, but it's there.


So my question here is, am I being too picky in wanting these problems to be fixed? When my ortho was talking about a removal date, I brought up the alignment issue several times, but as I'm in a foreign country (in Asia) and don't speak his language that well, I'm not sure he fully understood my concerns. Also, I think in this country a good bite is more important than actual appearance, so he doesn't get why I'm so upset about a few millimeters or whatever.

I guess I'm just worried that the chance of relapse is greater since my teeth aren't perfect to begin with.

I've been trying to tell myself that the imperfections aren't a big deal, that I can live with them, they're not really noticeable, etc, and on some days I'm ok with my teeth. But on others, I get really anxious and upset about everything, particularly since I spent $6,000+ to have this work done.

What do you think? Would you leave well enough alone, or would you ask for corrective work to be done?

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#2 Post by diande »

Definitely enquire about what can be done via tweaking retainers, bonding etc. It's not nice to go around with that unsatisfied feeling and it probably won't go way just like that. I think you should give it a shot for sure. However, I also want to reassure you that you're teeth are quite nice and the untrained eye probably wouldn't see the things you do. Keep your head up :D
Upper and lower bonded retainers; Upper Hawley for night time


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#3 Post by ishasha »

First, I'm not saying this just to make you feel better. I honestly do not see misalignment in your front teeth. :shock: Actually they look so much nicer than mine!!! Not just better than mine. I think they look perfect!

Second, I think I understand your concern. I'm actually in the same boat as you are. I was just debanded 3 days ago of the upper braces (still have lowers). And I think my teeth are too protruding. :cry: Not just me, my hubby thinks so too. But several other friends say they are OK. :roll: I brought it up with my ortho today she said the only way to bring them inward is to do extraction, which I will never do. So I'm trying to give it some time and see if I would still pay as much attention to it as it is now. Also I'm planning to take some pictures from all angles to see if how bad it is.

We all want things to be perfect but I guess sometimes we need to allow errors as long as they are within reasonable range. In your case, I honestly think nobody would notice...

Cheer up~
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#4 Post by Wobblydeb »

I think de-bracing can sometimes be a bit of a disappointment when you've got fixed visible braces because it is all too easy to think underneath your braces the perfect smile is being created.

I remember it myself from years ago - expecting this Hollywood smile, and the disatisfaction that came with realising that MY teeth perfectly straight weren't quite Hollywood! :oops: The upper incisors weren't an even size and I still had a ridge running across one.

So yep, I was unhappy at first too .... but it didn't take long before I stopped noticing the "flaws" and totally enjoyed the compliments I was getting on my smile. :D

I think the worries you have about the direction of your central incisors and how close they are together at the bottom is more about your expectations than any actual problem with your teeth. You have naturally rounded teeth - and they look lovely! :D

I would agree on the right being a little further forward, and your ortho is trying to correct that. Otherwise I would suggest you just have a bit of post-purchase anxiety going on! Its totally normal when you've spent as much money on something so important to you. :)
Initial set: 31 upper / 17 lower
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#5 Post by rbv »

Thanks for all the input! After reading and digesting your answers for a bit, I now have quite a different perspective about what's happening with my teeth. I am far less anxious about them than before, and realize that I probably do have to adjust my expectations a bit.

I'll wait and see how well the repositioning with resin goes, and then reevaluate where things stand after my next appointment -- which is two months from now.

Again, thank you for your advice and support. You've all been most helpful! :D

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#6 Post by DotDotDot »

Honestly, I don't see anything wrong with your teeth.
I think they are perfect or look really good. Its not like anyone will look so closely at your teeth and point out "OMG THAT ONE'S A BIT CROOKED." So from my eyes the first few looks look perfect. Don't worry about it.

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#7 Post by Jeannie »

Hey there, I think your teeth look absolutely perfect. Gorgeous, in fact. I'd never have gotten braces if my teeth look like yours. Congrats!

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