I'm Coming Undone

If you have finished with your orthodontic treatment and are wearing retainers (or will be soon), this is a special place to connect with others in your (enviable) situation. Ask a question or make a comment about life post-braces.

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I'm Coming Undone

#1 Post by Ravishing »

I got my braces off the week before Christmas and started wearing my Hawley's 24/7 for a month. I went for my retainer check when my month was up and my ortho said everything looked great and that I could switch to night time wear only.

By that weekend I thought that my teeth felt like they were starting to shift and that I had a gap forming between my top back molars. I also had a tooth that was really twisted before my braces went on and I could feel it starting to turn again. On the bottom, I could feel another gap opening up where I had a molar extracted.

That Monday I had a dentist appointment so I asked him to look around and confirm what I was feeling. He said that I did have gaps forming etc and that he would call my ortho and tell him what he was seeing and have them call me to book an appointment.

This past Monday I went for that appointment and he said that my top retainer was the cause of the gaps forming between my molars. The wires that sit between my teeth were opening up the space between them. A new mold was made and he is having a new retainer made that will be held on by wrapping around the backs of my molars. I'm ok with this. He also said that he will do a small bonded retainer to keep the turning tooth held straight. Again, I'm ok with this.

The real problem lies with the extraction gap on the bottom that is opening up. It wouldn't bother me except for the fact that I'm getting food stuck in there and its irritating. He said that its not something he's sure he can correct with a retainer so he suggested that I go back to my dentist and have the gap filled with some tooth colored filling. I made an appointment and went to have it done yesterday. I was in the chair forever and he just couldn't get everything in place to fill the gap. The gap was too large and in too awkward of a position. He said the only other option he had would be to drill out part of the teeth on either side of the gap and build them up. He is a friend of ours and he leveled with me. He said that this is not a procedure I want done or one that he is comfortable doing. He would rather let me walk out of the office having not charged me and having nothing more done to those teeth. I agreed and walked away. My dentist is going to brain storm with my ortho today to see what they can do to correct this gap.

I trust them both and I know random things like this can sometimes happen but there is part of me that is still frustrated with the situation. I think I have been to the orthodontist and the dentist more frequently since my braces have come off my teeth. I would love to just get on with life and not see either of them for another 6 months to a year.

Has anyone else had a problem like this? Any idea what the next step might be? I'm sure I will get some answers next week when I go in for my new retainer but part of me is still stewing a bit and I thought I would put this out there for some feedback.
Was braced for all 9 months of my pregnancy and managed to keep fresh elastics on during all 26 hours of labor!!

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#2 Post by QKate »

I can relate and know what you mean. I got braces of this week and my mouth feels terrible. I was much more comfortable in braces than I am now.
But I have severe bone loss from perio disease so my mouth is pretty challenged. But I think the hygenist knicked somehting when she was putting on my lower bonded retainer because now I have serious nerve pain in the back of one tooth.

Anyway- as for you- in my experience, the key to success is finding the top of the line extra good dentists.
The challenge with this is the expense of finding one, travelling to see them, getting procedures.

I did this with my perio disease after the local dentist all messed me up.
I then found a great dentist across the country who aided to make me better. But that was when I hadmore money. Now I want to go back to him but aren't sure if I can affored the whole thing.

So- I guess I am saying that maybe you need to find a better qualified dentist to fix your gap. It sounds doable.
And, I can really relate yto your frustration when, yeah they are human and mess up, but when you have to live with it it can be really frustrating

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#3 Post by Traceymay »

Hi Ravishing.

I got my brace off around the same time as you, though I had a permanent bonded reatainer fitted to my top 6 teeth.

I have noticed though over the last week a tiny gap where I had my premolars extracted on both sides (which are not bonded) This isn't bothering me, though I am due for a retainer check in a couple of weeks.

I must admit I'm more consious now I have had my brace removed and inspect my teeth all the time, trying to see the tiniest bit of movement.

I totally agree about being able to "switch off" and just get on with things.

I hope that your Dentist and Ortho come up with a solution

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