Earlier treatment and retainers

If you have finished with your orthodontic treatment and are wearing retainers (or will be soon), this is a special place to connect with others in your (enviable) situation. Ask a question or make a comment about life post-braces.

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Earlier treatment and retainers

#1 Post by tinkerbelle216 »

Hey all!!! I'm new here and I have a question for those of you who might know and I thought this would be the right place to put this (Mods can delete if I'm wrong)

My darling boyfriend had braces when he was much younger (about 8 or so) and has had them off for a number of years. He has a lower bonded retainer and does not wear a retainer for the top teeth as he stopped using it years ago because the ortho said that he didn't need it anymore. I have two questions though:

1. About 2 weeks ago, he had his wisdom teeth and 2 non wisdom teeth extracted and we've started to see changes in his bite that weren't there before the surgery. Which has led me to believe that he's moving around in there. (seen it before as I'm a dental assistant). Do you think we should revisit the ortho and see what the deal is? He refuses to go to his original orthodontist (says that the doctor ruined his life. any michiganders should answer you might know him).

2. Due to the fact that he is much older now and matured do you think that he should be in a retainer again due to the fact that he's had the extractions done and just for the fact that he's older now than when the treatment was performed. I'd hate to see all of that effort and money go down the drain as he has a cute smile.

Thanks and lemme know your input.

Pixie Dust,


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#2 Post by PfectPitch »

Having just been de-braced I would do nearly anything to avoid having my bite messed up again. I would choose another orthodontist based on recommendations from people you trust and see if he/she will do a consultation free. What has he got to lose?

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#3 Post by tinkerbelle216 »

I recomended my orthodontist to him and he seemed a bit more keen at going. His only thing that he doesn't want is he doesn't want to be put back in braces again. If so, I think he would be cute with them but however, he's a bit stubborn but I told him that we won't know anything unless we go talk to the doctor.

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#4 Post by Delag »

sent you a pm.

Posts: 24
Joined: Thu Apr 16, 2009 5:51 am

#5 Post by tinkerbelle216 »

Delag wrote:sent you a pm.
got it!!! :)

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