Warning: Do not eat Retainer Brite

If you have finished with your orthodontic treatment and are wearing retainers (or will be soon), this is a special place to connect with others in your (enviable) situation. Ask a question or make a comment about life post-braces.

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Warning: Do not eat Retainer Brite

#1 Post by matt »


Thanks to all those who responded to both of my questions. I appreciate your advice. However, I am sorry to say that as for the advice you offered about using Retainer Brite orally, I did not listen. Against your advice, the instructions on the box, and my own better judgment, I put the tablet in my mouth. Even worse, I did it during class. Toward the middle of my biology class, I got kind of bored, and in addition my breath started to smell bad, so I looked down at my Retainer Brite (it was in my backpack) and decided to give it a shot. I figured since it was peppermint it would make my breath smell good, and I didn't notice the part about foaming on the box.

Anyway, about 20 seconds after I popped it in, I realized it was a very bad idea. I didn't want to swallow it, because it tasted horrible, and I thought it might make me sick, so I just kept it in. I'm seated next to the wall in class and my lab partner, Zack, sits right next to me, so I was kind of blocked in. I didn't know what I was going to do. I couldn't tell Zack to move because I couldn't open my mouth or all the foam would spill out, so I just kept sitting there, hoping it would go away. In the meantime I tried to act normally so no one else would notice. It was working pretty well. Everyone was focused on the professor, that is until he started asking questions about our assignment, and he asked me to describe the difference between eucaryotes and procaryotes (sp?). I still couldn't bring myself to swallow in fear of throwing up, so at first I hoped if I ignored him, he would go to someone else, but instead he just asked me again. I looked at him, then did the only thing I could. I opened my mouth with blue foam spilling out all over the desk and said "I think I'm gonna be sick!" Girls started gasping, guys started moving out of the way, and I couldn't be sure but I think Zack was nearly sick himself. He stood up out of his chair and walked (or more accurately, ran) midway across the classroom as I sprinted for the bathroom and rid myself of the putrid blue slime that was gushing from my orifice. It totally turned my mouth and teeth blue and did nothing for my breath (you can't really notice the peppermint taste apart from all the chemicals). I couldn't bring msyelf back to class to get my stuff until after it was over, so now I'm behind in my notes, humiliated in front of my class, and I can't seem to get the taste of potassium out of my mouth.

I wrote this to hopefully discourage anyone else from trying this, and to see if maybe anyone else could tell me something more embarassing that they did so I can feel a little better.

Thanks everyone, and from now on I'll try to listen to the advice you give.

Feeling blue, and not just in my mouth,


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#2 Post by BraceFace13 »

That sounds bad!! It was a very entertaining post though. :) Atleast, now you've learned to trust your good ole reliable fellow posters. :wink:

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#3 Post by Attagirl2 »

Unfortunately sometimes we don't listen to the advice of others who know better - we have to find out for ourselves. Hopefully, this didn't do you any harm.

Glad you have grown a little wiser - :wink:
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#4 Post by Kevin »

Actually, he didn't even have to listen to anyone. Common sense should have been enough if reading the packaging wasn't. Bleach makes things nice and white, but I'm not going to put some in my mouth to try to whiten my teeth.

No offense, but that was a good lesson in common sense.


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#5 Post by Evelyn »

That's hilarious-you're a great writer, I was literally cracking up as I was reading it...the best advice I can give to you is to just laugh it off, I know things can be 'emotionally scarring' especially if you're stuck in a classroom and trapped...things like that have happened to me before but remember they happen to everyone so just laugh it off-because you have to admit, it is quite funny

Much love, Eve
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#6 Post by bbsadmin »

Ummmm.....Matt, you're kidding, right?


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#7 Post by wating4braces »

Wow, since that was SO entertaining, i think im gonna tell you to NOT go jump off a bridge, then you can tell us all about how you DID jump off a bridge. In other words, WHAT WERE YOU THINKING??? :?: :!: *Pulls hair out* If you would have swallowed that, you could have possibly KILLED yourself. And you did it in the middle of biology class because you were BORED? :shock: :paperbag: Sry but i agree w/ kevin. im done ranting and i do feel sorry for you.

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#8 Post by johnnys_angel »

First of all, Matt, I really enjoyed your story. A real keepsake you have there! Sounds like something I would do :D And second, I'm glad you listened to your instincts to NOT swallow the blue foam lol...that could have been bad :wink: Thanks for the great story!
Damon 2's top and bottom, BRACED 02/22/04 and REMOVED 08/29/05. Now in bonded retainers (top and bottom) :4 wisdom teeth surgically removed on 12/22/05:

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#9 Post by majeedah »

I just got my braces off today and after reading the horrible relapse stories, I REALLY NEEDED THAT LAUGH! Thanks soo much Matt! Even if its not true it's just too funny!
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#10 Post by wiredwebbie »

Much silliness, but nonetheless VERY entertaining! :p

I'm sure we've all done something we thought in hindsight was kinda like "what the heck was I thinking???". Hence the saying "20/20 hindsight." I'm just glad you didn't end up seriously injuring yourself permanently. I had a similarly stupid moment involving a hanging kitchen cabinet, but that's a tale for another day.

Okay so moral of the story is don't stick archwired.com unapproved items in our mouths. :D

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#11 Post by bbsadmin »

...and don't eat anything bigger than your head :lol:
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#12 Post by jennielee81 »

This is the BEST thread I've read in a long time.

Even my 16 year old daugher was laughing her butt off.

She said it sounded like it could have been an episode of Seinfeld!

Laugh or go crazy! :lol: :lol:
"Life is an occasion; RISE TO IT!" --Mr. Magorium
I wore Damon 3's and Opals for 20 months at age 42. Braces off January 2007
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#13 Post by **shinyhappybraceface** »

I nearly choked to death on a french fry because I was laughing so hard. I just wanted you to know that I would have held you responsible...

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Re: Warning: Do not eat Retainer Brite

#14 Post by TextbookSlytherin »

Uuh, I find great relief upon finding this..... Because I just did the same thing. I only got my Braces on a couple of months ago, and they gave me all this stuff to take home- Including some of these lovely tablets.

Upon being handed said stuff, they mentioned tablets that help you see the bits you need to clean off of your teeth, so naturally, as an intelligent 16 year old (.......) I thought these were said thing. .... Naturally, I put it in my mouth, though as I was at home, I was lucky enough to be able to just go running into the bathroom to spit the horrid thing into the toilet, and bring up the glass of orange juice I'd previously consumed. I'm pretty sure I didn't swallow any of it, and the first thing I did after that horrid ordeal, was to google it, naturally, to make sure I wasn't about to die.

As I said, I found great relief when I came across this post. I'm pretty confident now that I'm not going to drop dead, and that's always a good thing. So you're not alone!! :')

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Re: Warning: Do not eat Retainer Brite

#15 Post by bbsadmin »

Weren't there instructions on the package? Retainer Brite is very clearly labeled in all the packaging I've ever seen. Glad you're OK!
I'm the owner/admin of this site. Had ceramic uppers, metal lowers ~3 years in my early 40's. Now in Hawley retainers at night!

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