essix question

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essix question

#1 Post by smartygirl »

i was supposed to have my braces off a month ago, but the ortho wanted to tweak a tooth that was a little lingual, which resulted in one of my upper incisors popping out of place a bit (grr). anyway i saw him yesterday, and he thinks he can fix it with an essix, and i can still get my braces off.

so, they did an impression of my lowers, and after i left it occurred to me - wait a minute, shouldn't they do an impression of my uppers too? can he do an essix without an impression? i'm confused...

just want this to be over.
the comeback kid: my blog about braces, asthma, and a broken foot.

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Re: essix question

#2 Post by suzanna »

They'll do the impression of your upper teeth for your Essix after your braces are removed. Before my braces came off, they did an impression of the upper and lower arches for my permanent retainers and upper Hawley. Did your ortho say anything to you about permanent retainers? Maybe he is only going to put one on the bottom for now since he still has to tweak an upper front tooth?
Upper and Lower Braces Applied: December 4th, 2009
Lefort 1 and BSSO Surgery: February 11th, 2011

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Re: essix question

#3 Post by smartygirl »

he told me he could tweak the uppers with essix retainers, if i wear them 24 hours a day. my lowers were totally wired up, but my uppers were pretty much ok before, i only have about three brackets on my upper teeth.

so i guess i'm not getting my essix when i see him next? boo.
the comeback kid: my blog about braces, asthma, and a broken foot.

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Re: essix question

#4 Post by ashesgap »

Most of the time you get the Essix same day as deband. A lot of offices have a lab in the back. It's the Hawleys you have to wait for.
29 years old
2-18-10 baby canine pulled
3-15-10 got braces
12-22-11 Moving-SO EXCITED!!
1-2-12 Meet new Ortho
1-5-12 Begin finishing treatment
3-5-12 Canine Implants...dun dun dunnnnn
4-9-12 Deband!
I had braces for Two Years and TwentyFive Days

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