Today I was eating a sandwich for lunch with some pretty hard toasted bread, biting in with all my front teeth. Suddenly I felt something strange in my fixed retainer and immediately feared I'd messed up its attachment to one of my bottom incisors. I forgot I was supposed to watch eating hard things! I was so careful in braces, but I have been enjoying the freedom of being debraced.

After lunch, I rinsed my mouth and looked with dental mirror, couldn't see anything out of place with the retainer. I gently prodded it with a dental pick, and it didn't move. I flossed all around it, and nothing really seemed amiss, but it still feels a bit odd and like it shifted on one tooth somehow.
My guess is that I bent it slightly, though it is still attached. I'm wondering how serious a problem this is. Normally, I would just make an appointment and have my ortho check it out, but I am out of the US for the winter, so that is not an option. I'd have to go to a dentist here in Mexico and hope that they could tell if something was wrong with a retainer they did not install.
Any advice or experiences to offer? Of course I will be monitoring the situation, and if it turns out to be loose, I will find and go to a dentist, of course.
I should mention that I also have an Essix retainer, and it still fits fine over top of the fixed.