So after 3 Years I finally got my braces off on the Tuesday the 10th of September. It was a glorious day and I am super happy with the results.
The assistant in the orthodontist office applied an bonded/fixed upper 4 and lower 6 retainer to my teeth but I noticed that the upper retainer feels like its half bonded to my gum or at least really close to my gum line. I was worried about this and looked around at discussions where people say their upper retainers have been bonded close to their gum lines and most say their teeth have been fine.
Last night I noticed a gap between my upper front teeth and I wanted to know if this is normal or part of the teeth settling?
I'm due to collect my essix retainers on Monday and will ask my ortho to look at it. I am hoping that its normal and I'm just being a perfectionist. It was a horrible experience of getting the fixed retainer and I hope they don't need to redo it because I was a big baby about the whole thing

Any responses will be appreciated! Thanks