The only thing this retainer isn't retaining is my sanity!

If you have finished with your orthodontic treatment and are wearing retainers (or will be soon), this is a special place to connect with others in your (enviable) situation. Ask a question or make a comment about life post-braces.

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The only thing this retainer isn't retaining is my sanity!

#1 Post by AnnaSpanna »

I just got my braces off a few days ago, which I was really excited about, but have discovered the retainer to be more of a hassle than the braces. I have a few questions that maybe someone has figured out the answer to? It's driving me nuts.

-Firstly, I have a clear, moulded, mouthgard type retainer that I am meant to wear always except for when eating.

- The main problem is that when I take it out to eat, or brush my teeth, it has created a disgusting smell from covering my gums for so long (collected bacteria?) It comes off with washing, but for how long? Will it eventually stink out the world? Will people run away from me? How to fix this?

-I can't eat between meals if I'm out and about because then I don't have anywhere to brush my teeth. Consequently, I'm always turning down food and am losing weight (I am already skinny enough!) How can you eat when you are out? (ie places where there are no toilets.)

- The last problem is that i'm getting ridiculously obsessive about the cleanliness of the retainer, to the point where it's almost obsessive compulsive. Has this happened to anyone else?

Any suggestions on retainer management/cleanliness/smelliness would be greatly appreciated! :D

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#2 Post by lesliew »

I just got my braces off a few days ago too and I understand your concern about the retainer. Fortunanetly, I haven't been anywhere that doesn't have a bathroom that allows me to discreetly take my retainer out before meals and to brush my teeth afterwards. If I'm in that situation, I would also elect not to eat because there's no way I'm going to pop my retainer out in front of people! My oral hygiene routine is pretty much the same as it was when I wore braces.

I don't remember exactly what my ortho said about retainer care because I was too busy staring at my teeth when he was giving me instructions, but I do remember him saying that I should use clear tootpaste because the white stuff can be abrasive, and to brush my retainer at night. I also noticed a nasty smell that's probably from bacteria so I brush my retainer with tootpaste after every meal before placing it back in my mouth. I don't see how your retainer could eventually "stink out the world" because if you clean it often it shouldn't be a problem. I know there's retainer cleaning kits you can buy online and I may get one eventually.

Enjoy your naked mouth! I'm thrilled with mine!

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#3 Post by spragers »

My plan (not that you should take this as a suggestion) is to a.) take my retainers out before I eat at a restaurant, maybe in the bathroom or car; then b.) leave them off until I get home and can rinse them out. Maybe it's just me, but I don't want to put anything that's been near a public restroom sink into my mouth :?

Granted, they should be worn all the time, but an hour or two out of the week can't possibly make or break my retention, can it? :D

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