they're out.. and I hate it

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they're out.. and I hate it

#1 Post by madcell »

I just got most of my braces out yesterday (only the 4 bottom ones are left-I have to see a dentist to get fillings before they're out next week) but all the top ones and back ones are off. It looks really weird. I honestly think I looked better before braces. my mouth is small but my teeth are big, before I used to have buck teeth/overbite which weren't great but suited my face, now I have these gigantic teeth which all stick out in a straight line and it doesn't look right at all. I hate it. they look like dentures or something, they don't look natural. They look yellow too; and have many holes- that's WITH brushing tons. AHH I'm probably more self concious about my smile now than I was before, I feel really bad :( I wish I never got the damn things :(:(:(

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#2 Post by Chris »

Relax! EVERYONE says their teeth LOOK BIG after they get there braces off. You were accustomed to seeing only parts of your teeth for so long, its a shock when you just see TEETH! I hear that all the time from the "naked ones". :lol: Give it alittle time. Go get your teeth cleaned and whitened too.
Top Braces June 2004
Bottom Braces November 2004
Debanded January 2007

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#3 Post by kirst1583 »

Relax! EVERYONE says their teeth LOOK BIG after they get there braces off. You were accustomed to seeing only parts of your teeth for so long, its a shock when you just see TEETH! I hear that all the time from the "naked ones". :lol: Give it alittle time. Go get your teeth cleaned and whitened too.
I agree with you Chris. I've heard so many people say their teeth felt huge.
It makes sense when you think about it. After having such a big portion covered for so long.

I hope you are getting used to how they look now madcell - you are probably just being overly critical of them! If you are comfortable posting pics we can give some opinions. Reassurance is always nice :wink:


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#4 Post by madcell »

well it's been a few days and I must say, I'm liking them alot more now :D I think it was just the shock of them looking so BIG that bugged me, but now that I'm getting used to it I realise how nice they actually look. infact, they look perfect, very very straight and white. Once the bottom ones are out and they're cleaned I'm sure it'll look even better. :D :oops:
thanks for the support, it really helped :)

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#5 Post by fins »

Good you are getting used to your new smile. I was thinking about how weird it will feel to have these braces off and how I'll have to adjust to nothing sticking out of my mouth. I'm sure it will be strange for me at first although I can't remember the feeling from the first time I had braces.

Your regular dentist can whiten your teeth for you or you could even try crest whitestrips which work great for me (well, they did when I could use them). Good luck and enjoy your smile, I bet it looks great.

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