Help! What am I in for? Getting braces off is not the end

If you have finished with your orthodontic treatment and are wearing retainers (or will be soon), this is a special place to connect with others in your (enviable) situation. Ask a question or make a comment about life post-braces.

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Help! What am I in for? Getting braces off is not the end

#1 Post by laura-lark »

After 3 years and 3 months in braces I assumed when I got them off I would be finally free. *News Flash* My top braces have come off and I have two different retainers to wear (day and night). My bottom retainer is coming off next week and I am having something permanently bonded on there.

During the day I have to wear this clear plastic device over my teeth. What is this called?

During the night I must wear this hideous retainer with metal and plastic bits which collects spit and I can't talk properly.

Am I ever going to get used to the retainer and be able to speak properly?

Is the thing that is going to be permanently bonded, going to be there the rest of my life? What is it exactly? Is it going to be horrible?

Also, I was told that I should take the retainers out when eating main meals. What about small meals? What about when drinking or eating snacks? Do I have to brush my teeth after EVERY meal?

I don't feel that my ortho hasn't been very upfront about any of this. So it has come as a shock. Any help would be appreciated. I feel completely depressed.

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#2 Post by BracesAt42 »

Congratulations on reaching the end of your braced period!

The clear retainer that you will be wearing for daytime is an Essix retainer, and looks similar to Invisalign braces. People like this type of retainer since it is clear, and almost invisible.

The other type of retainer is a Hawley, which has a plastic portion which presses against the roof of your mouth (for a top arch Hawley) and a wire which runs across the front of your teeth. This type of retainer has been in use for 30+ years.

I have Hawley retainers for both arches, and it was difficult to speak with the top retainer in for the first few weeks. it can feel bulky, but you will get used to that quickly as well. I can easily wear the bottom retainer with no impact to my speech.

You definitely need to take both of these types of retainers (Essix, Hawley) out when you eat.

The other type of retainer you mentioned is often referred to as a permanent bonded retainer, permanent lingual retainer, or simply bonded retainer. It is a small wire (often braided) which is bonded to the inside surface ("lingual side") of your teeth with some type of adhesive compound.

Orthos like the bonded retainers since it almost guarantees your teeth will stay in place and there is no chance of losing the retainer as there is with the Essix and Hawley types. Also, "compliance" is not an issue with a bonded retainer.

Orthos often say that your bonded retainer must stay in place "as long as you want your teeth to remain in their post-braces positions."

Personally, I hate bonded retainers, and did not allow my ortho to put them on me; I opted for Hawley on both arches, and am satisfied with my decision. So far, my teeth have stayed in their perfect positions, for I am religious about wearing my retainers.

The caution with bonded retainers is that you must continue to use floss threaders and/or proxy brushes since your teeth will not be truly naked.

Orthos and others will often refute any worries you have about bonded reatiners by saying that no one can see them and that you will get used to them quickly. For me, I did not want anything glued to my teeth and knowing myself well, it would always bother me to see the wire each time I flossed or brushed. One of the happiest moments I had after debanding was throwing away all of my floss threaders and proxy brushes!

I would suggest discussing retainers and if you do not want bonded, tell him/her that you want Hawley and/or Essix instead. I was very happy that I questioned my ortho prior to debanding regarding retainers, since I found out by chance that he was planning to use bonded retainers on both of my arches! E gads.

Orthos often have a "default treatment plan" and "streamlined processes (lots of assistants who zip along and do things without telling you what the whole picture is)" which assumes a particular type of retainers, so if you don't question your ortho prior to debanding, you may find yourself with retainers which do not fit your desires or lifestyle.

The retainer incident was the only point in my entire treatment in which I was not pleased with my ortho; I had to question the process myself or I would have been led down a path I did not wish to travel.

Bottom line, question your ortho, get the type of retainers you want. IMO, bonded is an easy."default" solution, but not the right one for everyone.

Well, that is my 2 cents (more like $100!) on retainers.

Please also see the information under Braces Basics or such on this website for more details, or search for the term "retainers" across the site...lots of information out there!

Best Wishes! Congratulations on nearing the end of the journey!

:D :D :D
Yep, Braces at Age 42!
Damon 2's
Braces On: 9-18-2003
Braces Off: 7-13-2005


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Hawley retainers

#3 Post by Veruka_Salt »

While I haven't had communication issues with my ortho, I am in my Hawleys for the first time today and I am absolutely dreading going back to work in them next week. I sound like I have a severe speech impediment!

But, it's only for 6 months (during the day at least) so given that I've just gone through 21 months of braces (not to mention thousands of dollars) I am going to try my hardest to be very diligent with my retainers.

Cheer up laura-lark - it may seem horrible at the moment but things can only get better. :)

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#4 Post by laura-lark »

Thank you for your kind replies. Your information is useful. So I have an essex for the day and a hawley for night and in a week I will also have a permanent retainer on my bottom teeth. Anyone else have this mouth set up?

After over three years in braces I can't take much more.

I'm confused about the practicalities of eating and drinking whilst being told to wear a retainer. How long can I take the retainers off for when eating and drinking? Do I have to brush my teeth after EVERYTHING I eat or drink and more importantly..... what do I do when I go out to clubs and drink beer all night (ie 6 hours). Can I leave them off the whole time or will I do permanent damage?

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Location: Sydney, Australia

#5 Post by Veruka_Salt »

Laura-lark, I have a permanent retainer on the bottom as well as the Hawley. The Hawley fits over the top of it. I've only had it for a few hours, but it's not terrible!

There is another thread on this board about under the title "How many types of retainers do you have on your mouth?" that may also help. Chin up... the light is at the end of the tunnel at least. :)

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