Cosmetic dentistry after braces?

If you have finished with your orthodontic treatment and are wearing retainers (or will be soon), this is a special place to connect with others in your (enviable) situation. Ask a question or make a comment about life post-braces.

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#16 Post by jzaboo »

I know immediately I'll be getting an implant for the the missing tooth I have between my canine and front tooth (it was growing in the roof of my mouth, and my dentist I had as a child said "you don't need that" and pulled it out). Once they open a gap, they'll put a "plastic tooth" in my braces to fill up the hole. So once I'm debraced, I'll going to run to get the implant the same day so I won't look like a hillbilly. Whitening the same day, too, and then one-by-one, tooth colored fillings for those molars in the back, but no big rush for that. I got braces so I wouldn't get veneers, no matter what happens, I think I'll be satisfied with the results

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#17 Post by ceejay2005 »

I got braces a year ago (still have them) I only have 1 more year left, so i get them off before high school!

So far, im happy with the results. My teeth are a lot straighter, so far. But my gums are somewhat puffy because they put the brackets too far up in some place :(

but im good, lol
scottsdale dentist

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#18 Post by melliemoo »

I'm getting some composite bonding on my lower teeth to fix the grinding that occurred when my teeth were so crowded. I'm also getting some veneers on two upper teeth to make those teeth longer and fill my smile better. I had a lot of wear from my crowded teeth. I'm getting my lower teeth whiten.


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#19 Post by eveningninja »

What exactly is bonding? And how much does it cost? And how long do they last? I think this is what I need once I get my braces off because my front teeth seem so chipped and uneven from my underbite.

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Tooth bonding + repair

#20 Post by Mike88 »

Bonding is a process to repair minor cosmetic defects in teeth. The bonding material can be contoured/shaped by a dentist and is cured or hardened with ultra-violet light. Then, final shaping and polishing can be done by your dentist. It's also worthwhile to mention that bonding material can be matched to the natural color of your teeth. So, if you plan to have any teeth whitening done, do it before your bonding work.

I had some bonding work done 10+ years ago and spent a few hundred dollars for 3 teeth (2 canines and 1 front tooth that was slightly chipped after braces.

Hope this helps.

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#21 Post by starzz »

How has the bonding held up? Any chips or stains? Are you happy with results?
Braced for 2 years, 11 months, 2 weeks and 5 days (the 2nd time ‘round)
Hawley on top, Essix on bottom

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Teeth bonding - stains and chipping

#22 Post by Mike88 »

No problem with staining at all. Minor chipping at the bottom of one tooth, where the bonding material was pretty thin. I had my dentist smooth out bonding and match the contour of the adjacent teeth and have not seen any problems since then. It's been over 10 years since the original bonding was done and I am very happy with the results.

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