Tooth shaping. Enough already!

If you have finished with your orthodontic treatment and are wearing retainers (or will be soon), this is a special place to connect with others in your (enviable) situation. Ask a question or make a comment about life post-braces.

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Re: Tooth shaping

#16 Post by thenumber12 »

Fairy Queen wrote:Hi Genxs,

I also raised a concern with my ortho about grinding a lump off one of my front teeth and he went absolutely nuts and started yelling at me! I let him calm down then politely (and rather partonisingly) told him that I was merely concerned about the long term implications of such practice, that I was in no way questioning nor underming his professionalism but rather, as a layperson I just needed a little reasurrance. I think my approach left him feeling decidedly foolish. I had my braces removed today (after almost 3 years - I was initially told it would be 18 months) and tomorrow MY OWN dentist will be reshaping that tooth. Needless to say, my ortho wasn't happy about that and had a bit of a grumble. My teeth, my money, my call - he can either like it or lump it! **LOL**
My ortho kind of acted like that when I raised my concerns about possible tmj. He told me that I didn't know anything about tmj and once debonded, my "non existent" tmj imflamed. Now I have to allow my teeth to relapse and spend more money on treatment. your teeth is something you have to live with so it's your right to know so I suggest going to another ortho and raising your concerns there.

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#17 Post by SkyWolf »

About halfway through my treatment my ortho filed away some of the chips on my bottom four front teeth and my two front teeth. He did this so that they could be aligned more precisely. I admitt the one tooth was a bit sensitive but they looked amazing when he finished. Prior to braces though my dentist had mentioned filing between the teeth to create more space. So some filing can't be to bad for them. I would definately ask though.

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#18 Post by SolarFeline »

The thing that orthos forget is that it is OUR bodies, not THEIRS that they are doing this to. So what if we not orthos? Are we not in control of our own bodies? Are we not the client/patient paying for a service? My ortho continually "jokes" with me at the end of every adjustment that he will file one of my top front teeth down to match the other, when the top banding comes off. I continually tell him, "If you do that, I will see you in court, after you have had my solicitor "talk" to you." I think he thinks I'm being "cute" and joking. :roll:

Anyway, I have digressed. I have had some space between my top and bottom back molars shaved "a bit" to get the metal ring thingy over them. I thought the spacers were "supposed" to do that. Hmmm.

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#19 Post by ollielloyd »

I wouldn't like the idea of having my teeth shaven down, unless one was seriously bigger....... I'd definatly, definatly ask him before. If you don't think there is a need- ask him to stop!

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