Pain in getting braces removed?

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#76 Post by ghostmyimag3 »

Karen i'm glad you mentioned reactions to cold water. I have one molar right now that if cold air or water hits it man it throughs that tooth in a tizzy til it warms up. It just started about a week or so ago. But he saw nothing physically wrong so i'm thinking maybe the nerve is upset. Who knows hopefully they dont blow any cold air or water on my tooth!!!
Metal braces on Uppers and lowers-November 8, 2006

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#77 Post by genxsis »

My braces came off yesterday. Yes, it hurt. No so much when the regular brackets came off. They just snapped off with a "click". The molar bands weren't so easy. A couple of them just didn't want to budge, and the assistant was pulling on them and it felt like the tooth was starting to come out. Not a good feeling. The ortho finally go them out though. What a relief! :D
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#78 Post by lala007 »

I know this is an old thread but I don't see a more recent one so I'll post here. I had ceramic braces and YES it hurt getting them off, it flet like she was trying to pull my teeth out. Getting the glue off wasn't as bad except in the back where she hit my gum line a few times.

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#79 Post by fdd1212 »

I just got my lowers off about 2hrs ago. It did not hurt at all. I didn't even realize she had taken them off. The only discomfort was the scraping of the glue left behind, and moreso, holding my mouth open for 30min. Otherwise, not bad at all.

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#80 Post by deborah »

I found the worst bit of having my top brace removed was when the ortho kept catching my other teeth with the pliers. I thought he was going to crack them!

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#81 Post by Lela »

The bracket removal was painless. The six plastic brackes took a little wiggling to remove but the rest just popped right off.
I found the glue sanding to be the most unpleasant part. My teeth are sensitive to cold so the cold air was a little uncomfortable even with the rolled cotton she used to block it a bit.
The final polishing/bleaching really stung my gums too. I was a little surprised by that as I didn't expect to feel it at all.
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Pain in getting braces removed?

#82 Post by PatJ »

Finally got debanded yesterday and pleased to report that it was not as painful as I thought it would be. The metal brackets came off easily, the ceramics were a bit more tricky but nothing serious. The worst part was that they make an awful crunching sound as they disintegrate. Glue removal and polishing were no worse than a normal clean at the dentist. All in all a non-traumatic experience with the nicest surprise being that after the polishing my dull, grey braced teeth cleaned up well. I can still do with a few shades of whitening to get them back to prebrace brightness but overall happy with the results.



Braces on for 2 years 4 days
4 1st premolar extractions
Age 57 - it's never too late!


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#83 Post by glittergirl07 »

Hey, i'm not gonna lie--- it was some of the worst pain in my life and I have a high threshold. I had ceramic uppers and metal lowers. Multiple ceramics broke and the assistant kept pulling and pulling. It hurt like hell. I was crying and had to make them stop for a second. I am 21.

My lower teeth are sore-- and getting the brackets off of a few of those made me think that was gonna be the end of me. My lady just may not have been very good, but I dunno. I'm not even that sure she knew I was in pain!

I am so glad its over. However, my sore lower teeth are killing me from the retainer! I had to take a narcotic

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#84 Post by Faerydust »

When I had my braces removed the ortho went ahead and just used the highspeed handpiece with a diamond bur to basically sand down the ceramic brackets. It was completely painless (except for the cold water causing some sensitivity on my lower front teeth). I'm always surprised when I hear that other people have a painful experience with getting their ceramic brackets removed.
My Braces Story:
4/23/08 - Upper 1st premolars & lower impacted wisdoms extracted
-Getting lowers rebraced Aug. 30th-
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#85 Post by virgoan »

It hurt a little more than I thought, but nothing awful. I just winced a couple times on teeth that endured the most movement over the course of treatment (both had ceramic brackets, which might have exacerbated the problem).

I'd say, just communicate your concern to the ortho and let her know how uncomfortable that procedure was for you. If they can't swap the equipment/style, perhaps they can recommend a one-time pain reliever ..?

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#86 Post by PJ »

I had my uppers removed on Wed. The brackets were ceramic, and I feared they would be hard to remove, because of what I had read, but the OD had just gotten a new tool that was for removing ceramics--I mean, he JUST got it: he was literally reading the instructions on how to use it, and didn't mind telling me I was the guinea pig! Still, I am glad he used it, as the removal of the brackets was a cinch--the bands, however, were another story--very painful!! It felt like he was pulling out my teeth and all I heard was crunching and grinding. The good news is that he was fast. The whole appointment--including getting the impression for the retainer, only took about 30 minutes. I am more than a little worried about getting the bottom bands off--I have 1 permanent, and 2 temporary crowns that they need to come off of. I have visions of the temps coming right off with the bands! :-O

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Re: Pain in getting braces removed?

#87 Post by fang »

PatJ wrote:Finally got debanded yesterday and pleased to report that it was not as painful as I thought it would be. The metal brackets came off easily, the ceramics were a bit more tricky but nothing serious. The worst part was that they make an awful crunching sound as they disintegrate. Glue removal and polishing were no worse than a normal clean at the dentist. All in all a non-traumatic experience with the nicest surprise being that after the polishing my dull, grey braced teeth cleaned up well. I can still do with a few shades of whitening to get them back to prebrace brightness but overall happy with the results.

Braces on for 2 years 4 days
4 1st premolar extractions
Age 57 - it's never too late!

Nice result Pat! I am also from Melbourne and also not a teenager (got my braces on when I was 31) and YES it is never too late :D

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#88 Post by terceslil »

It was not really painful to get the braces off. The sound of the gadget they used to get the glue off was nerve racking!

Braced 10-2004
Debanded 1-25-10


Braced Oct 2004
Debanded Jan 2010
Wearing Essix (top) in the daytime
Wearing Hawleys (top & bottom) at night
& Have bonded bottom retainer

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