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Retainer - Speech Question!

Posted: Sun Apr 30, 2006 11:20 pm
by kirst1583
Hi everyone,

I was told today i'll be having a lower bonded (permanent) retainer and i'm assuming a Hawley on the top.

I've read many times on here that speech is affected by Hawleys.

I just wondered though if that's only if you have both upper and lower?

I'm meant to go to work the night of my debanding (in customer service) so I'm unsure if I should have the night off to get used to talking!

Thanks heaps :thumbsup:

Posted: Mon May 01, 2006 2:20 am
by annie82
i currently have a lower hawley retainer only and it's no big deal. i think it actually depends on how small the plate actually is...mine is very very small so the speech impact is minimum and the lisping is almost unexisting...and the front wire can obviously be easily hidden. Still wondering what to do for my upper teeth when i get my braces off in 2-3 months...
hope it helps

Posted: Mon May 01, 2006 11:27 am
by downhillsnowskier
I've got both upper and lower hawleys and my speech is more affected by the bottom one than the top one, but it seems to be different for each person. Over time you get used to the retainers and its not noticeable. After wearing the upper one for a few days you should be fine.

Posted: Fri May 05, 2006 5:34 pm
by w8ing2exhale
I have upper and lower hawley and the upper does, at times, affect my speech with lisping, but it is VERY minimal and it seems to come and go. It's been about a year with my retainer and I STILL get the lispe from time to time.

Posted: Fri May 05, 2006 10:23 pm
by kirst1583
Thanks heaps for the replies. It does seem to be an individual thing. From what I can gather, some of the Hawley's differ slightly too (like in how far back they go etc) so I guess that would always make a difference.
I don't mind a slight lisp, as long as people can understand me it's all good!
Thanks again :wink: