They're off!! I thought life'd be easier though!!

If you have finished with your orthodontic treatment and are wearing retainers (or will be soon), this is a special place to connect with others in your (enviable) situation. Ask a question or make a comment about life post-braces.

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They're off!! I thought life'd be easier though!!

#1 Post by littlesheila »

So yesterday was the big day!! After all the pain, the adjustments, the wax, the braces are now off. Goodbye metal. I've no words to describe how happy I was when i was given the mirror to check out my new smile!!! Freedom at last!! Not much time to be happy though...i was immediately given my 2 retainers. I'd previously had molds taken so they were ready for me just in time. I chose hawleys cuz for some unknown reason i didn't like the idea of the invisalign kind...anyway, ortho assured me that my hawleys were carefully made in order for them not to be too invasive (aren't they all made like that?) and i was pretty sure he was right cuz, by simply looking at them, they didn't seem a big deal to cope with.
I was wrong.
Hey, didn't anyone of u nearly choke?? I didn't expect them to be sooo bulky, after all. I'm supposed to be wearing them fulltime now (meals excluded)...but i can't really talk!! How long will it take to get used and to speak next to normal?? I cannot go out like this!!! I mean, i can make myself understood with the upper one only...but when i put the lower on...i talk like i'm eating marble...
Shall i ask for some bonded retainers or shall i resist???

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#2 Post by downhillsnowskier »

I think it took about a week to speak clearly in both Hawleys, with time I sounded almost like I do without them. It just takes practice and lots of speaking with them on. Good luck

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#3 Post by jaws »

Hi littlesheila,

Sorry, I can't help you much with the retainers, because I don't have any yet! However, something that you said in your post interested me. You said that you had your molds made before you got your braces off, so that the retainers would be ready for you.

I am actually getting my braces off in a couple of weeks, and I had the molds made last week while my braces were still on. What a process! She had to re-do the molds a bunch of times because she couldn't get a proper impression. So, I still have my braces on, and am waiting for the retainers to come in before I get my braces off.

Did you find that your teeth shifted much between when you had the molds made and when you got your retainers? I feel like mine are moving already, so I'd like to hear how things went for you! :)
Braces are Now Off!
Metal Braces Top and Bottom
Expanders Top and Bottom
April 11th 2005-June 27th 2006

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#4 Post by texasangel »


TELL ME ABOUT IT !! I just got my upper hawley yesterday and it's so BULKY on the roof of my mouth ! And the two wires that curve up above my canines feel like they are sticking out too far.
I have to get a bridge on the lower so he is waiting to make the lower hawley. I have top and bottom Essix and I thought THOSE were bulky.
I like the essix better, but they also have their drawbacks. You can't bite together, but then you can't eat with either one of the retainers in, so I guess we're in it for the long haul.

Hope you get use to them and good luck !
Braced on 1/10/05 - full metal- woo hoo!!
Braces coming OFF 5/31/06 !!!


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#5 Post by Veruka_Salt »

I am so with you guys! I just got my Hawleys today and I sound pretty bad. On the plus side, they look nice.

My ortho is fairly pro-Hawley but has said I can get an Essix for the top if I want to. texas angel - after you've tried both out for a couple of weeks, let us know which you prefer.

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#6 Post by littlesheila »

hey all!! been busy these days so not much time to reply...well i had molds taken nearly 2 weeks before having braces removed and there was no major shifting thank god...
retainerwise, things are surely a bit better...but the lisping is still quite heavy after all...will it ever get normal or acceptable?? so far, i've been wearing them as much as i was supposed (24/7 but no meals) but boy it's tougher than i expected...with the upper only i could manage it without major problems (even speech), but it's the combination of the 2 of them which is just letal...;)
anyway i'd better shtarth getthing ushed tho thalking like thish a bith huh??

bye everybody

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#7 Post by naomi »

I just got my hawley retainer an hour ago. Since my braces removal on friday I've really been enjoying my naked teeth. HOWEVER, the ortho had to rain on my parade by giving me this stupid retainer to wear 24/7 for 2 months! I almost wish I had braces on instead (notice I said "almost"). Anyhow I have the worst lisp EVER! Not only the lisp is bugging me though, the bottom retainer is digging into a bone in the bottom of my mouth. I told the ortho it was digging and he had his assistant file it down a bit but I'm home now and it's still digging. He said it was digging in because I have a "tori"? Apparently that's a bump ppl get on the bone inside their mouth or something..I didn't know I had one and for that matter I've never even heard of such a thing until now but man does it ever hurt! Anyways I was suppose to go out tonight but I've decided to stay home to sulk AND practice talking instead :FeelSick: .
Braced on: June 28, 2004
Debanding : June 16th 2006

To be one, to be united is a great thing. But to respect the right to be different is maybe even greater.

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#8 Post by naomi »

anyway i'd better shtarth getthing ushed tho thalking like thish a bith huh??
:lol: and me both!
Braced on: June 28, 2004
Debanding : June 16th 2006

To be one, to be united is a great thing. But to respect the right to be different is maybe even greater.

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