getting scared

If you have finished with your orthodontic treatment and are wearing retainers (or will be soon), this is a special place to connect with others in your (enviable) situation. Ask a question or make a comment about life post-braces.

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getting scared

#1 Post by frozenxfjords »

I'm getting kind of scared now. I got my top braces off last Friday (so, 5 days ago) and my ortho didn't take impressions for my retainer yet. My teeth are already moving.

My two front top teeth are very sensitive because about 5 years ago I tripped while running down the sidewalk and kind of bashed my face into the concrete. My front right tooth got pushed all the way back and I had an emergency dentist push it back into place and bond it there for a few days (the guy was really bad..he left the bonding wire on for like less than a week...the tooth moved way back right after it was taken off..but he did save my tooth and prevented me from having to get it extracted so for that I am grateful). My front tooth was super crooked until I got my braces on two years ago. Last Friday when I got the braces off my two front teeth were perfectly straight. Now they're moving..and shifting a little to the right side. The whole duration of my orthodontic treatment I was afraid this was going to happen as soon as I got them off..and I was right.

I called my ortho yesterday (my teeth moved more since then..yesterday they weren't that bad) to see if I could come in sooner than this Friday to get impressions taken but I was told to just wait for Friday. I'm really afraid my teeth are going to continue moving. And I wont even have retainers to put them back the way they're supposed to be because I'll be getting impressions for my retainers done in the state that my teeth are in now. I don't understand why they didn't take retainer impressions the day I got the braces off.

I'm sorry this is so long, but I'm very concerned and upset.
Has anyone had a similar experience in any way?

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#2 Post by johnnys_angel »

I actually got my impressions taken a week before debanding, so the retainers were ready immediately....This sounds like an unfortunate situation, frozenx :( However, a week isn't too bad, others have had their impressions taken later. Since you have already called the ortho (done the best that you can), I would just relax and look forward to your appt. ?Are you getting hawleys? If so, your ortho will be able to correct any moving that has happened since debanding. Good luck, and congrats on the naked teeth!! ;)
Damon 2's top and bottom, BRACED 02/22/04 and REMOVED 08/29/05. Now in bonded retainers (top and bottom) :4 wisdom teeth surgically removed on 12/22/05:

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Location: NJ

#3 Post by frozenxfjords »

I'm 99.9% sure I'm getting Hawleys (he didn't talk to me about it, but a friend of mine went to him and got, I'm assuming...). That's really good to hear that he can correct anything that's moved since debanding with Hawleys. Thank you!

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#4 Post by Jetgirl »

Good news! Yes, with hawleys you can continue to correct some problems. I have a spring in my retainers that is to keep one of my molars pushed out. A week and then some shouldn't see that much movement; I'd imagine your ortho will account for any small movement with the retainer.

Good luck!
Braces on: June 2003
Braces off: June 2005

Pictures of my braces journey

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