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No toothpaste allowed in carry-on luggage!

Posted: Wed Aug 30, 2006 8:33 am
by erica
I've got upper and lower Essix retainers, which I currently have to wear 24/7. Has anybody else in this situation flown since the new carry-on rules went into effect? Toothpaste is specifically listed as a forbidden item. But I REFUSE to put my retainers back on without brushing first, especially for an upcoming journey that will take about 12 hours. But not eating or drinking anything other than water for that time period also isn't an option. Anyone know if we can get a note from our ortho to get a small tube of toothpaste classified as an "essential non-prescription medication?"

Thanks for any input!

Posted: Wed Aug 30, 2006 10:42 am
by Aine
My ortho has pre-pasted disposable tooth brushs that are used to brush before our adjustment. Check with your ortho, he may be able to provide to you for free like my does.

Pre-pasted toothbrushes

Posted: Wed Aug 30, 2006 4:47 pm
by bbsadmin
Not to take business away from myself :roll: but....yes, of course if you are due to see your ortho (or regular dentist), ask if he/she has some pre-pasted toothbrushes to give you. My ortho used to carry them and then stopped for some you never know. But it never hurts to ask!

Anyway, if you can't get them from your dentist, has a ton of them. They've been selling like hotcakes, as you would expect in a situation like this. I even got a mention in the New York Times a couple of weeks ago (wow!) and the Baltimore Sun interviewed me last week...but I'm not sure when/if that story will be running.

That TSA ban is sure is keeping me busy!

BTW, I have sampled a few types of toothpaste powder and unfortunately won't be carrying that product at The ones I sampled taste rather nasty and I can't, in good conscience, sell them to people. If you guys happen to find a toothpaste powder that actually tastes good, let me know, OK?

Posted: Thu Aug 31, 2006 8:25 am
by erica
Thanks everyone! I had no idea about the existence of pre-pasted brushes. I'll ask my ortho if I can snag any freebies, but otherwise I'll definitely be ordering from Lynn!

Posted: Fri Jan 05, 2007 12:02 pm
by Katica

If you can't find the pre-pasted disposable toothbrushes, you can keep your eyes peeled for other products like the Listerine pocket pack breath strips.

Another product you can look for are Oral B Brush-ups, which are disposable tooth wipes.

It's not as great as toothpaste, obviously, but you could rinse your mouth with water, use a brush-up wipe, then brush using a travel toothbrush with no toothpaste. Follow it up with a pocket pack breath strip, rinse your mouth with water, and floss if necessary and rinse with water again. Hey, it beats the alternative, eh?

Posted: Fri Jan 05, 2007 1:48 pm
by bbsadmin

Another product you can look for are Oral B Brush-ups, which are disposable tooth wipes.
Oral-B discontinued the Brush-ups product last Spring. You might still be able to find them around (old stock) but when I called Oral-B in September, they had no plans to ressurect the product.

Anyway, as of October you can bring a small (3 oz or less) tube of toothpaste in your carry-ons. You just need to put it in a pint-sized (small) zipper bag.

Posted: Wed Jan 17, 2007 4:18 pm
by Dadio
Hi, here's the link for tsa info: ... items.shtm

I flew in November last year and had no problem with the pint ziploc bag with little travel sized items in it like toothpaste and shampoo.

I'm still around, still in braces, just haven't posted in a long time.