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retainer smell?

Posted: Sat Oct 14, 2006 4:53 pm
by gv1031
is there anywyay to prevent your retainer from smelling very badly? I've been brushing mine thoroughly everyday since I got it (past 3 days) and it's already starting to smell like crap.
any suggestions?

Posted: Sat Oct 14, 2006 5:55 pm
by stRaighteR
try something like efferdent...the fizzy tablets that you can soak them in overnight..

Posted: Sun Oct 15, 2006 11:20 am
by bbsadmin
Retainer Brite is also made for this purpose.

Posted: Mon Oct 16, 2006 3:22 am
by biteowl
Is it a Hawley? I asked if I could use the denture cleaning tabs for my hawley retainer and the ortho said no because it would destroy the bonding/sauter (wow, I have no idea how to spell that!) points and something else which totally bummed me out because that's what I was counting on using and had already bought a box :(. However, I am a huge Monk-like germaphobe and after three days of brushing it with regular toothpaste morning and night I swore I could smell something other than just the plastic. So I started using this stuff called Tung Gel (that, you guessed it, I use to brush my tongue after I brush my teeth. I told ya, I'm an anti-germ addict!) to brush it with instead since the stuff is made with zinc to zap bacteria and stinky stuff that's naturally in everyone's mouth. My retainer has smelled like just plastic ever since :D I buy it at Rite Aid for like 3 bucks, and I also brush the retainer holder with it every couple of days although daily I just swipe the inside of the holder out with a cotton swab soaked in hydrogen peroxide and then give it a rinse.

Posted: Tue Oct 31, 2006 9:37 am
by bbsadmin
NO! Retainer Brite is NOT safe for soldered retainers!

It will corrode the solder right off the retainer! I know this from personal experience!

If your retainer has solder points and your ortho wants them kept on, then you MUST NOT use any of the powdered or tablet cleaners on your retainer! You must brush it gently with toothpaste instead!