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Posted: Mon Nov 20, 2006 9:14 pm
by Grammy
:D 27 months and one day! I thought I could see through the brackets and know how I would look...but I was still surprised! I said :those aren't my teeth!" I am SOOOOOO happy with the outcome! Just one teeny space where the gap was and that is OK with both of us. My dentist may be able to do something with that, I go to him next week and my hygenist for cleaning.
I had a baby tooth extracted and a big gap to close, and off center. Now I am in Essix retainers top and bottom. My ortho said he would probably make me a wire one later, but some prefer the plastic clear ones. I have heard they don't last though, so I don't know which to keep for a permanent retainer?
Is it advisable to use white strips now? I look Ok, but would like to be whiter, and they said no bleaching for a while.
I love my ortho! I even went and got a big cookie with a huge smile on it for a Thank you to him and his staff. They loved it!
P.S. I had gotten really impatient the past 6 month, but I am so glad now I did it!! (But even more glad it is over now!!)

Posted: Mon Nov 20, 2006 9:31 pm
by maple
Congratulations. Glad to hear that you are happy. I just started 3 wks ago. Can't wait to write a naked post.

Posted: Tue Nov 21, 2006 12:19 am
by alexa
Congrats!! :D