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never thought i'd be here this soon...

Posted: Thu Jan 25, 2007 4:11 pm
by jennielondon
i got a call from the ortho's office yesterday saying dr. b was looking over my x-rays and wanted to meet with me. naturally, i was worried as i have one tricky little tooth that she was worried about.

little did i know what was about to go down...

she had one of the assistants take close-up x-rays.

turns out, my roots in my top front four teeth (aka - the ones we're working on) are short... as in less than 1:1 ratio. As in, my left front tooth looks like a .5:1 root:tooth ratio.
She basically said if I kept the braces on, my teeth may fall out due to the risk of root re-reabsorption (after 2 rounds of braces) and a possible loss in the genetic lottery (grandparents in dentures and mom with tooth problems).

I started crying... I've always hated my teeth. Always. Even after round 1 of braces. I thought this time I'd be able to fix things, to smile proudly...
but no.

A little over an hour and a half after my appointment started, I was brace free and with a copy of my x-rays to take to my dentist.

I know it sounds silly but getting braces made me feel better about myself, just knowing I was doing something to better myself.

But no.

It sounds silly, but I'm crushed.

So yeah...
that's my naked tooth.

Posted: Thu Jan 25, 2007 4:32 pm
by platinum
I am very sorry to hear what happened to you.

But there are ways to make your teeth look good. Crowns and implants can make your smile look better. I have seen my general/cosmetic dentist's works. It is even possible to fix bites with cosmetic dentistry.

You have not lost the game!!!!!