Debanding... squeeze???

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Debanding... squeeze???

#1 Post by JumpTheDitch »

I unexpectedly heard the magic words from my ortho today; my braces are coming off at my next appointment. :banana::banana::banana:

The actual debanding is apparently a 2-step process with a total of 3 appointments in the one week.

Has anyone heard of a "squeeze" the night before braces are removed?

"You will not be able to open your mouth once these elastics have been placed. It is advisable to eat a main meal before this appointment... You can still talk but it will be through clenched teeth."

Now I'm not so sure I want these braces off after all :shock:




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#2 Post by JumpTheDitch »

Thanks for the support Meryaten and Kiwi.

I googled and site-searched "finishing elastics" & "squeeze" and from what I can tell, this "squeeze" business seems a little more extreme than your run-of-the-mill finishing elastics. It's only being able to talk through clenched teeth that really disturbs me.

Like you say though, it's only for one night (which makes me wonder how much effect it can really have on your bite; since they make the first appointment late in the afternoon of the Monday, then deband you Tuesday morning, it's a total of about 16 hrs with your bite being "squeezed"; is that enough time to really have a lasting effect :?:)

Thanks for the puree advice, Meryaten, but I figure if I can't open my bite to eat, brushing's going to be difficult as well :roll: The idea of going to bed and then to my debanding without having brushed my teeth makes me think home and straight to bed would be the best plan.

I must admit I'm a little miffed my ortho never mentioned this process to me until now :evil: ; it does take some of the excitement out of debanding.




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#3 Post by ItsGavinC »

Don't worry about it -- your ortho simply wants your teeth to have nice tight contacts prior to debonding. Think of them as speed elastics.

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#4 Post by eling211 »

Hey Jump,

As Meryaten says, don't sweat it. I was banded shut with those strong elastics for 2 weeks. And actually, as I read in another forum, a lot of other people get banded/wired shut for even longer after jaw surgery. I cannot imagine how they stand being banded shut for longer than 2 weeks, but one night will be a cinch, and they don't hurt. Oh, if you get really hungry, don't starve yourself to try to keep your mouth feeling fresh. For just that onenight, a few good rinses w/ mouthwash will wash things out. It's only after a few days that it gets icky. =]

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#5 Post by JumpTheDitch »

Thanks for the support guys, I'm trying not to get too miffed about it. It's another 7 weeks away (yeah, I need to update my ticker) and one night's not so bad. I'm just a little annoyed cos I didn't agree to this, had no idea it was even a possibility and feel a little like it's been sprung on me.

The debanding pamphlet says the ortho "may give your teeth an extra squeeze" on debanding eve. Unfortunately I know this is definitely going to be the case for me because he told me he'd address my (slightly squiff) midline this way :roll:.

Two whole weeks of you mouth permanently elasticked shut and having to talk thru clenched teeth, eling211 :shock: :?: :?: How did you cope?

Interesting info Meryaten (as always!), does the extended use of M/W elastics involve the patient changing his/her own elastics after eating/brushing or are they on a liquid diet for two weeks?

It's really the whole having to talk thru clenched teeth that freaks me out a little. I'll do my best to be a brave girl and soldier on though :roll:




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