Chewing through Essix retainers?
Posted: Mon Jun 04, 2007 9:35 pm
So I've been wearing my last invisalign trays as retainers for the past few months, and I'll soon be getting regular Essix/Invisalign retainers. I'm worried because I grind my teeth a lot, even moreso with the trays in, and I'm worried that I'll eventually chew through the retainers. I would ask for Hawleys instead, but I get my Invisalign from my regular dentist and not an orthodontist so I think he can only offer the Invisalign retainers. So my question is, what's the likelihood that I will actually chew through them? Is it something I should worry about? And also, would it be a possibility to go to an orthodontist just to get Hawley retainers?