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positioner after braces---Help

Posted: Thu Jul 26, 2007 2:52 pm
Hi All. I know this might have already been asked but i've just had my braces taken off two days ago and I was given a positioner to wear at night only. I'm told its to fix my bite. I'm having a bit of trouble sleeping with it and want to know if anyone has pointers for me. Its not painful but i feel like i'm going to suffocate or choke on my own saliva in it in my sleep. :oops: I know this may sound ridiculous but i keep waking up at night and have to take it out. I'm grateful that i only have to wear it at night but if I can't wear it like i'm supposed to then this whole journey (which i've disliked the whole way through) will be for naught. If anyone else has had to wear one and made it through please send me some pointers. I'm wearing a full mouth guard looking one.

Thanks in advance,

Posted: Thu Jul 26, 2007 4:07 pm
by Granola
I had one post braces the first time I had braces, and couldn't tolerate it. For me it was painful to be biting into it constantly, and I ended up not wearing it. I completely understand what a pain they can be!

My ortho suggested one for me this time around, and I explained my reservations. They came up with an alternative plan for me.

I would definitely talk to your ortho if you can't keep it in all night as prescribed. I'm no orthodontist, but it seems to me that a different retainer that you can tolerate would be better than not wearing it. Good luck!